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Venti hopped out of his car and entered the passcode for the dorm and opened the door. The room was dark, except for the natural light coming from the window. He set his stuff down and he went to look around to see if anyone was home. He decided to check the groupchat to see what he missed.

Are you guys home rn? :Venti

Kazuha: I went out to buy groceries and Heizou went to go buy dinner, but Xiao and Aether should be home

Aether: We're in Xiao's room, you can come if you want!

okii i'll be there in a bit :Venti

Venti went into his room, took out a large shirt and shorts, and put them on. He decided that he would clean up his room a bit before going to check up on Xiao and Aether. He played some music on his phone as he hummed along and cleaned.

About 45 minutes later, the room was entirely spotless and neat. Venti yawned and turned off his music. Since he was finally done cleaning, he went to the kitchen to grab a snack, and then went over to Xiao's room.

"Should I knock first?" He thought to himself.


He opened the door to see Aether huddled up, holding Xiao at his waist, half asleep as Xiao wore his headphones.

"oho~" Venti said, grabbing his phone and taking some pictures of the pair

Almost as soon as he walked in, Aether gained conciousness and they sprang apart.

"Hi guyss" Venti said in a teasing tone as he leaned against the doorway. Aether had buried his face in his hands and Xiao looked the other way.

"Don't be embarrassed, we always knew you two had a thing going on" He smirked

"Its nothing like that! We're not-" Aether started but was inturrupted by Venti

"Keep telling yourself that"

"So," Venti said "What were you guys working on?" he said, as he plopped down on the sofa.

Xiao gave him a hard glare, but Aether responded quickly and innocently.

"Oh, Xiao was just teaching me how to produce"

"You should teach me too. I had to produce with Lumine today-" Now it was Aether's turn to inturrupt Venti.

"You didn't try anything on my sister did you?" He turned and gave him a cold stare. Venti shivered a bit.

"No, why would I??" Venti said, crossing his arms.

Aether kept on staring at him until they got a text from Heizou, to which Venti picked up his phone and typed.

Heizou: Guys i'll be home in a couple of minutes. I brought inazuman food

Okay thankss :Venti

Kazuha: I'll be home in a bit too

"Heizou and Kazuha will be home soon" Venti told the other two.

"What did you do with Lumine today?" Xiao asked, not looking up from his work.

"Well, first we talked to her manager, I got a tour, we ate lunch, and did some producing" Venti replied casually.

A Collaboration by Chance - Venlumi Idol AUWhere stories live. Discover now