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⚠️swearing, mentions of toxic relationships, substances? in this chapter⚠️

"And don't even think about lying to me," Aether says through gritted teeth.

"I-" Venti starts, a pained tone in his voice. He turns to look at Lumine, who covers her mouth with her hands as she looks up at her brother.

He holds his hands up in defeat.

"Fine." He sighs, giving Lumine an apologetic look before turning to face Aether again.

"Lumine and I, we've been in a relationship." Venti announces as he looks Aether in the eyes.

"For how long?" He questions. Venti stays silent, looking at the ground.

"How long?" Aether restates, tilting his head to the side.

"3 months.." Venti answers, not looking up.

"3 WHOLE MONTHS? And you didn't think to fucking tell me?" His eyes widen in shock and anger.

"If we told you, you wouldn't have let us be together!" Venti argues, now standing up from his seat.

"Not like i'm going to let you now," Aether shrugs, his reply smooth.

Lumine, who sits on the other couch, watches this happen, and finally decides that she's had enough.

"Aether, stop it." Her tone comes out harshly, which causes her brother to turn his head in her direction and look at her in surprise.

"Lumine, you stay out of this." He warns, exhaling.

"why should I? He's not the only one who should be getting blamed for our relationship." She stands up and walks over to Venti's side, standing next to him.

She looks from Aether, to Venti, as she grabs his hand visibly, causing Aether to look at them with widened eyes.

Aether gapes at the couple.

"I-" He starts, unable to form the right words.

"Venti and I met a long time ago, but we've gotten to become very close because of the collaboration. After working with him for so long, I realized something a few months ago." Lumine swallows the lump in her throat.

"And what might that be?" Aether asks, sounding slightly nervous.

"I caught feelings for him a few months before we got together, and for the longest time, I was just trying to figure out what they were." Lumine words are heartfelt and honest as they spill out of her mouth.

"but after he confessed to me, I finally figured it out."

"it was love," She says breathlessly, looking over to Venti, who looked back at her adoringly.

"aww, Lumi.." Venti whispers, touched, as he squeezes her hand.

"You're with Xiao, and you're clearly in love with him, so why can't you let me be with Venti?" She asks, desperate for an answer.

A painful silence follows her question.

"It's because.. it's because im scared for you Lumine." He replies. Lumine looks at him with confusion scribbled on her face.

"scared? scared of what?" She interrogates, searching for an answer in his eyes.

Aether takes a deep breath in and out.

"I was once with someone. I loved him too. He just didn't love me as much as I loved him." Aether stares at his sister blankly.

"I gave him everything. Anything he had to say, I listened."

A Collaboration by Chance - Venlumi Idol AUWhere stories live. Discover now