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⚠️ suggestive? (not really), mild swearing⚠️

Morning light shines through the windows as Lumine yawns; her eyes fluttering open. She breathes in and out, smelling the fresh scent of apples and summer wind coming from Venti, who is still fast asleep.

She laughs softly to herself before getting up and placing a kiss on his forehead. Taking a minute, she observes his arm, which was around her just mere moments before, his hair flopped on the pillow, and his chest, which was rising and falling in rhythm. Everything about him was just perfect.

Lumine silently gets out of bed, careful not to wake Venti up, and covers him with the rest of the blanket. Grabbing her toothbrush from her bag, she hurries to the bathroom in Venti's room.

After she finishes brushing her teeth, she pumps out a bit of face wash in her hands and puts it on. Turning on the water, she splashes some on her face, washing the soap off. Finally, she grabs a towel and wipes her face in it. Just then, she feels a set of hands wrap around her torso. Gasping slightly, she hears a small laugh behind her.

"good morning love," Venti snuggles his face into her shoulder, her skin tingling at his touch.

"good morning," She grins at him in the mirror. He places a kiss on her cheek, observing her. He smiles to himself.

"Are you done using the bathroom?"

"mhm, i'll wait outside for you," She beams and leaves the bathroom.


Venti comes out of the bathroom fully clothed and looks around for Lumine, who sits on his chair, looking at his desk.

"lumiii, ready to go?" He strides over to her, offering his hand to help her up.

"yep! lets go," She takes his hand and they walk down to the kitchen, where Heizou and Kazuha sit.

"good morning!" Heizou smirks at the two

"good morning!" Lumine takes a look around

"are my brother and Xiao here yet?"

"not yet; they're probably still sleeping," Kazuha calls out from the kitchen, placing buttered toast on the kitchen island. The pair thank him and start eating.

A few minutes later, they hear a door crack open, and footsteps walk over to the kitchen.

Lumine whips her head in the direction of the footsteps and waves at the couple.

"ah, good morning Lumine," Xiao greets, waving back.

"whats up with the turtlenecks?" Heizou asks smoothly, leaning on the counter. Aether jumps visibly at the question.

"uh, nothing?" He answers nervously.

"Is that so?"

"But you don't like turtlenecks!" Venti points out. Aether buries his face in his hands.

Lumine quickly walks up to her brother, observing his clothes. Her mouth opens in realization as she tugs on his collar, exposing his neck; which is covered in bruises.

She gasps loudly, and covers her mouth with her hands again.

"I KNEW IT!" She yells, turning to look at the others.

"THEY MADE OUT?" Venti yells back, to which Lumine nods furiously, grinning widely at him.

The kitchen erupts into cheers and laughter as an embarrassed Aether buries his face in Xiaos shoulder.

"alright, alright settle down," Xiao glares at them, which causes them to shut up.

"yeah don't you guys have something to go to?" Aether muffles, his face red in embarrassment.

A Collaboration by Chance - Venlumi Idol AUWhere stories live. Discover now