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⚠️minor swearing in this chapter⚠️

Huffing, Lumine grabs her water bottle off the ground, and puts it up to her lips. After Venti's abrupt departure from the room, she changed back into her dancing clothes, and practiced some dancing to get her mind off of what had happened earlier.

The moment the water bottle touches her lips, a shiver runs down her spine, remembering how Venti had pulled her close to him. She shakes her head.

"Calm yourself, Lumine," She grumbles to herself, heading into the changing room.


She walks out of the changing room, and climbs up the stairs slowly. Once the gets to the main floor, the lady in the front smiles at her.

"Venti not with you today?" She asks, typing something down in the computer in front of her.

"Yeah, he left a bit early today," Lumine explains.

"Ohh, I see,"

"Hey, could you do me a quick favor and let Elora know that I'm leaving whenever you see her?" Lumine asks

"Of course miss! I'll see you tomorrow," The lady grins at her, and she smiles back, walking out of the front door.

The sky is colored purple and pink as Lumine walks over to her car. She slowly gets into the driver's seat and closes the door. Starting the car, she drives out of the parking lot and into the road.

As she turns the radio on, she bobs her head side to side and hums softly. As the car comes to a stop at the red light, Lumine's mind wanders.

She thinks about how she had helped Venti dance earlier in the day, and how her cheeks had heated up at his touch. They turn pink when she recalls the smallest details from their little incident from earlier; like Venti's soft lips on hers, and how he felt warm against her cool skin.

She jolts back to reality when she hears the blazing horn of a car behind her. She exhales sharply as she puts her foot on the accelerator and speeds on.


Lumine sighs as she hops out of the bathroom; her hair damp. She slips on a light jacket and takes out some leftover minty bean soup from the day before, and places it in the microwave to heat up. Suddenly, she hears her phone ding.

Aether: Lumine, i need to talk to you about something

She inhales sharply when she sees the message

"Why does he seem mad?"

Her eyes suddenly widen with worry

"shit, is it possible that he knows about..?"

Exhaling, she types in her answer

sure, whats up? you okay? :Lumine

Aether: yeah, nothing much, I have a question though

Aether: sooo, xiao's and my 5-month aniversary is coming up in a week, and I don't know what to get him

Lumine laughs in relief at her dear brother's message

thats it? i thought you were mad or smth :Lumine

Aether: oh come on, i only get mad at you if you do something

Aether: you didnt do anything bad right?

She laughs nervously as she reads the message

"depends on what you think 'bad' means"

nahh, just asking :Lumine


Lumine ends up calling Aether and they talk for quite a while. He ends up deciding to get them matching bracelets, thanks to Lumine's help.

She finishes her soup and places the dishes in the sink.

Then, she walks over to her bedroom and flops down on the bed, exhausted from her day. Even though she had done many things today, one thing was still gnawing at her brain. She didn't want to think about it, but she knew she has to at some point.

Lumine grips her sheets tightly as she thinks about the incident with Venti.

"What was that all about?" She wonders aloud, slumping down.

"Does this mean we're together? Did he plan this? Does that mean he likes me too? What's Aether going to think?"

She groans loudly as she covers herself with the blanket and turns off the lights in an attempt to fall asleep.

Except, she can't go to sleep. In fact, she doesnt think she can think about anything other than Venti.

She peeks at her phone, which sits on the nightstand next to her.

"Should I?" She thinks to herself, but then smacks her cheeks.

"What the fuck are you thinking?"

Lumine sits back up, her back slightly arched.

"Okay, how about I talk to him about it tomorrow?" She settles, laying back down on the bed.

As she drifts off to sleep, her dreams are filled with a certain dark blue-haired boy who had occupied her heart.


how are you all doing?

this chapter was pretty short so sorry about that guys 😭


A Collaboration by Chance - Venlumi Idol AUWhere stories live. Discover now