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⚠️ some swearing in this chapter⚠️

A few more months fly by, and today the couple, along with Jean and Elora, had grabbed breakfast, and Elora offered to drive them over to Starglitter Studios so they could do the rest of the activities for the day.

"You guys get to do something exciting today," Elora hums in a sing-song tone.

"Really?" Venti questions, as Lumine clasps her hands together.

"Yep! Today you guys get to film some behind-the-scenes content of what you guys usually do everyday," She explains cheerfully, as Jean parks the car in the parking lot.

"If you guys need us, we'll probably be in Elora's office," Jean says, stepping out of the car.

"And one more thing,"

"Make sure you guys don't do any 'coupley' stuff on camera. We don't need any rumors, okay?" She reminds gently.

"We'll remember!" Lumine gives them both thumbs-ups.

"You can pick up the filming camera from the tech office," Elora calls out as they all walk inside the building. They wave at the man at the front desk, who smiles at them.

"We're gonna be down here for a bit, but you guys can get started if you'd like!"

Venti and Lumine look at eachother and nod.


"Hey this is a pretty nice camera," Venti turns the camera around in his hands

"I've never used this kind before; it must be new." Lumine observes.

"Okay, what do you wanna do first?"

"Hmm...." Venti looks at her, deep in thought.

"Maybe we should do some singing today?"

"Sounds good to me! Let's head over to the recording rooms then?"



Venti places the camera on the table and cautiously moves back.

"This okay? He tilts his head and looks at it.

"Yep," Lumine nods quickly.

Venti takes a deep breath in, and then out, shaking his arms. He presses a button and moves back.

(*6reeze - 5wirl's fandom name)

(*Luminite - Lumine's fandom name)

"Hello! 6reeze's* and Luminites*!" Venti greets, sounding cheerful. Lumine waves next to him.

"Today we'll be showing you what we usually do on a normal day preparing for our duet!" Lumine adds on.

"Right now we're sitting in a recording studio," She walks over to pick up the camera and shows off the room. It has a glass box in the corner with recording equipment surrounding it. There is also a couch and table that match in the other corner. She places the camera back on the table and holds up her hand to Venti, who high-fives it and grins as they both look at the camera.

"Hey, that was pretty good!" He compliments as he goes to turn the camera off.

"Now, what should we show next?" Lumine questions.

"We could film us singing; since we're here might as well,"

"Sounds good to me!"


"Now that we're done with vocal practice we'll go downstairs to get some lunch," Venti says, clasping his hands together, staring into the camera lens.

"See you soon!" He waves and places his hand over the camera.

A Collaboration by Chance - Venlumi Idol AUWhere stories live. Discover now