not-so calm before the storm

391 16 44

⚠️swearing in this chapter⚠️

Aether stares at the couple with a kind of intensity in his eyes.

"I'm going to fucking murder him," He spits out, unbuckling his seatbelt and opening the car door. He swiftly gets out and slams the door, causing their heads to jerk in the direction of the harsh sound.

He watches them as both of their eyes widen in horror. Marching over in their direction, he stops right in front of them and looks Venti dead in the eye.

"Both of you, in the car. now." He says through gritted teeth, walking back to the car. He turns around for a brief second.

"Lumine, you're in the front with me; Venti, you get in the back,"

Aether exhales sharply as he gets back into the car, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel in rhythm. Lumine slips into the seat next to him, slowly buckling her seatbelt. Venti gets into the car aswell, and Aether speeds off.

The car hangs in a painfully awkward silence, and consists of Aether driving silently, and Lumine and Venti exchanging small glances through the rear-view mirror.

"Where are we going?" Lumine quietly asks after a long silence, not looking at her brother. Aether doesn't answer for a while.

"Your apartment. You're lucky I didn't make a scene out there." He spits out harshly after a few minutes of silence.

The car goes back to being dead silent as Venti slumps down in his seat and pulls out his phone from his pocket. He should probably tell Kazuha what happened.

Aether found out :Venti

no idea why but he's currently driving us to lumines apartment :Venti

don't mention anything about it to him tho :Venti

Kazuha: WHAT

Kazuha: VENTI

Venti turns his phone on silent and places it back in his pocket, closing his eyes.

Meanwhile, in the front seat, Lumine plays around with the bracelet on her wrist as she stares out the window on her right.

It was all her fault, Venti hadn't done anything to deserve this.

If she hadn't done all that outside the agency then they wouldn't even be here.

She shuts her eyes tightly and exhales softly, folding her hands in her laps.

A couple minutes later, Lumine's phone starts ringing uncontrollably. She picks it up from her pocket and Aether eyes shift over to look at it.

"Heizou?" He glares at the phone.

"You don't need to answer it."

Lumine rejects the call and places the phone back in her lap. Lumine looks back at the rear-view mirror so she can get a small glance of Venti, and she sees him sitting there peacefully with his eyes closed. Guilt swells in her chest.

It was her fault, wasn't it?


"We're here, get out." Aether remarks coldly as the car stops abruptly. Lumine's eyes flutter open as she squints outside the window.

great, we're here.

She scoops up her bag from the side and slings it over her shoulder. Turning to look behind her, she makes brief eye contact with Venti; giving him an apologetic look with her eyes. He seems to smile back at her quickly, but she could just be imagining it.

Lumine walks into the building first and walks a few steps until she stands in front of the elevator. She gently presses the button and waits for the elevator to open. Once it opens, she steps inside. Venti and Aether follow.

Venti stands next to Lumine, turning his head to look at her. Unfortunately, this comes to Aether's attention, who loudly clears his throat and separates the couple by stepping in between him. He taps his foot impatiently as Venti and Lumine try to steal glances at each other.

The awkward elevator ride isn't long, and the three of them spill into the hallway, where they walk to Lumine's apartment. Lumine types in her pin on the keypad and takes a deep breath before opening the door.

"Welcome," She says in a quiet, unsure tone. The three walk inside the familiar space.

"Sit." Aether demands, his hands balled into fists. The couple comply as they're told, nervously looking at eachother.

Aether paces around the room a few times, inhaling and exhaling each time. After a couple rounds, he stands in front them; his eyes visibly red. Lumine looks at him in surprise.

"Okay. Now tell me," He turns to look at Venti.

"what the fuck was that"

hiii <3

im sososo sorry for the short chapter; there are longer chapters later on i promise 😔💔

byee ❤️


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