Island (Black's POV)

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Black watched Yok sprinting their way. The broad smile on his friend's face showed something horrible coming. He quickly put the phone back inside his pocket. He didn't need another person to find out. Unconsciously he pulled White closer, securing him in his arms. Balck didn't know if it was to calm himself or to make sure his baby brother won't get bothered by Yok's annoyingness. 

"What a cute sight." Yok plopped on the couch in front of them. Black clicked his tongue, already irritated. He felt White's palm sliding under his shirt, caressing his back in an attempt to calm him down. 

"Can I draw you? You two look adorable. No, sorry, only White looks adorable. You look constipated, Black." Yok laughed.

"Fuck you, Yok. Go bug someone else." Black growled, sending his friend a warning glare. 

"Nice as always. I like White better, anyway." Yok shrugged. 

"You look excited, Yok. Did something happen?" White asked. Black frowned. Didn't his baby brother get a hint? He wasn't really in the mood to chit-chat with Yok. 

"I have a date with Dan. White, you need to help me. I don't know what to wear." Yok pleaded, and if Black could stand up and run away, he would do it. But his twin was still fixed on his lap, talking excitedly to that brat Yok, not showing any attempt to move. He knew White liked to be this close to him, and Black loved it too, but right now, he would rather be on the deserted island than listening Yok ogling his cop boy toy. 

"Black, can you come here?" Gumpa shouted from across the garage, saving Black from the headache. He patted White's tight, hinting that he needed to stand up. White made a little noise of protest before he slid down on the couch and let him leave. 

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