Damp (Sean's POV)

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"We are going out. We will be back before dinner. Love you." 

Sean read the message White sent five minutes ago for the tenth time. He already replayed but didn't get an answer back. It was dumb to be jealous of Black, but he couldn't help it. Sean was playing with his phone, fidgeting restlessly on his bed. Should he go and follow them? Would White get angry at him if he did that? 

"What's up? You look like a kicked puppy." Gram asked, drying his damp hair from the quick shower he finished not long ago. 

"White is out with Black." Sean exhaled dejectedly.

"And?" Gram didn't understand. He sat next to Sean on the edge of the bed, throwing the used towel on the other bed. 

"He's out. Alone." Sean repeated like Gram didn't hear the first statement.

"He's not alone. He's with Black. And they will probably be back before dinner." Gram shook his head, patting Sean on the leg. 

"You don't understand," Sean whined as he lay down on the mattress, grabbing his hair in frustration. 

"I do understand, Sean. But we promised to leave them alone as much as possible." Gram reminded him. 

"I know. I just want to be with White." Sean sighed. 

"I don't like the face you are pulling." Gram frowned. 

"I am going out too," Sean announced as he quickly stood up and ran out of the room before Gram could stop him. He heard stomping behind him, knowing his friend was following him. He was determined to watch his boyfriend from afar and make sure he was alright. 

"Stop, Sean! " Gram shouted after him, but Sean didn't listen. He made his way out of the building, taking the first path his eyes landed on and continued to run. White and Black weren't out for long, and knowing his cute boyfriend, the first thing White would want to see would be the beach. He quickened his steps, ignoring panting Gram, and aiming for the beach. He only stopped when he heard the familiar laugh. Sean hides behind the tall palm tree, peeking at the two figures playing on the shore.  

"Sean, "Gram stopped behind him, and before he could utter another word, he silenced him, pointing at the twins. 

"Black is smiling." Gram breathed out, as shocked as Sean was. Black never smiled. Sean saw him, smirk or sneer, but he never smiled like this.

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