Waves (Sean's POV)

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The gang met at the restaurant, getting a quick breakfast before heading to the spot Gumpa mentioned yesterday. Sean was smiling widely, walking side by side with White, with their hands interlocked, and his tiny boyfriend swinging them back and forth. They were behind Yok and Gumpa, and even though Black was occupying White's other side, he actually didn't mind. White was wearing an oversized baby pink Hawaiian shirt, white swimming shorts with a light pink geometric pattern, and with his big round glasses, he looked so adorable Sean couldn't get his eyes off of him. Sean, of course, was aware of Black's occasional glare, but he didn't care.

Gram was trailing next to Black making small talk with him here and there, distracting him from White. Sean appreciated his friend's effort, hoping the angry gremlin would realise his feelings for Gram soon. 

"We are almost here," Gumpa announced, pointing at the small sandy beach. 

"There shouldn't be people around here, so we can do some training," he added. 

"Hia, can't we just play in the water?" Yok whined. 

"Later." That was all Gumpa answered before he moved on the path down the beach. Sean watched White pouting. It was evident he would rather play in the waves than do Gumpa's crazy workout, and Sean couldn't agree more. He packed his boyfriend's cheek, pulling him after Gumpa. It was better to get this over with before he could spend some quality time with White. And without Black. 

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