Sweltering (White's POV)

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White didn't know how it happened. One second he and Black were choosing where to go for their small escape, and in another, he was sitting crushed between Sean and his brother in the backseat of the very old-looking van. In front of them was Gram and overexcited Yok. Gumpa was driving. It was sweltering inside the car, and White would appreciate it if Sean or Black would sit in front with Gumpa instead in the back with him. But neither of them wanted to leave him alone, and going there himself was out of the question, so he was sweating and feeling like a sandwich. 

Somehow the gang managed to turn their brother bonding trip into a group vacation. Not that White complained, but he was looking forward to spending time with his big brother. Even though Gumpa, Gram, Yok and Sean promised to let them alone as much as possible, he knew that wouldn't probably happen. 

At least they would spend their vacation at the guesthouse he liked. White leaned his head on Black's shoulder, happily sighing as he brushed his nose against his neck. Black squirmed under the unexpected touch but didn't say anything. White heard a faint huff coming out of Sean. He had to roll his eyes at that. Sean was a jealousness incarnate at times, but it was honestly cute too. He grabbed his boyfriend's hand, squeezing it in his much smaller one before he started to play with his long fingers. 

"Cute." Yok beamed, and White could swear he heard a camera shutter. 

"Did you just take a photo, you dick?" Black snarled. White could feel his brother's muscles tense as he wanted to launch forward to grab Yok. 

"Delete it, Yok. I don't want to be on the one photo with him either." Sean joined, and White had to squeeze his boyfriend's hand tighter to prevent an unnecessary confrontation. 

"No way." Yok sticks his tongue out at Black and Sean, quickly turning his back on them. A few seconds later, White's phone beeped, signalling an incoming message. White pulled the device out of his pocket with his free hand, reading a text Yok had sent him. 

"I will send the photo to you later." 

Putting the phone back, White chuckled. Maybe this vacation won't be a disaster after all. 

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