Cliff (Sean's POV)

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The whole day was torture. It's not like Sean didn't like to be with his friends, but knowing White was so close yet so far felt like hell. They spend most of the time riding the jet ski or swimming. Sean was exhausted. He yawned a few times before the familiar voice called his name.

"Sean!" White was running towards him, leaving Black behind. Sean's fatigue flew out of the window as soon as White's petite body landed in his arms. 

"Hi," White smiled, pecking Sean on the lips. 

"Hi," Sean answered, wrapping his arms around the slim waist. He risked a glance at Black. The gremlin's face scrunched in discomfort but didn't say anything even though Sean could imagine what was going inside his head. Sean wouldn't be surprised if he ended up thrown off the cliff sooner or later. 

"Guess what?" White was almost vibrating in his hold, making him wonder. 


"P'Black promised to let us go on a date tomorrow." 

"Really?" Seam blinked at White, surprised by the sudden act of kindness. His boyfriend nodded eagerly. 

"If anything happens to him, you are dead meat," Black growled as he passed by them. Sean rolled his eyes. As if he let anything happen to his baby. Tomorrow will be a good day. Sean grinned before he leaned for a kiss. 

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