Treehouse (Black's POV)

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"So you are finally dating?" White grinned, pointing at Black and Gram. It was hours later that the gang met at the guesthouse restaurant. Black was sure White knew already, judging by the creepy face he was showing. He must have felt everything through their connection. 

"Why are you asking if you already know." Black snickered, lightly kicking his baby brother's shin under the table. 

"I just asked." White shrugged with a smile. 

"So I was thinking." He started, and Black knew it didn't indicate anything good. 

"Can I sleep with Sean tonight?" White asked with an innocent face. Black heard Gram and Yok choke on their food.

"No fucking way. You are not sleeping with him. Not under my watch. Understand!" Black barked. No way he would let White be alone at night with that pervert. Call him overprotective or think he has a brother complex all you want. Even when they were younger, and Tod asked White to spend the night with him in his new treehouse, Black didn't let him go alone. 

"But P'Black," White whined, attempting to make him agree with his teary puppy eyes. Black had to take a deep breath to calm down before he was able to look at his baby brother. 

"No is no. End of discussion." He said firmly, receiving a disappointed huff in return. 

"Not fair." 

"You can consider yourself lucky I let you go out with him today." Black pointed out before he returned to his dinner.

"It's okay, baby. You can sleep over after we come back home." Sean assured White, making Black's blood boil. He was about to turn his head and give Sean a piece of his mind when the hand landed on his thigh, making calming circles on it. Black sighed, letting Gram distract him before he ended up murdering that dickhead. 

"Maybe I can sleep over at yours too?" Gram whispered, making Black's heart thump wildly. Perhaps he could consider letting White out of his sight once in a while. 

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