|| #3: history ||

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"Eddie Munson?"

"Present." The boy smiled at her with a cheeky grin, flashing his teeth. Now Kathy definitely thought this was a joke. She hung out with the cheer squad, the basketball team, even Steve Harrington! He had to despise her, right?

She only knew who he was through Eleven and Mike. Sometimes her sister would sit in on a game and her dad would force her to walk her home when Nancy couldn't drive them back.

Eddie seemed to see the disbelief in her face, and rushed to reassure her. "This isn't a joke, sweetheart."
"How do I know that?" Kathy questioned.
"I wouldn't have gone through the effort of looking through every book in the library to find your favourites."

"Have you been stalking me?" Kathy was deadly serious as she finally moved to sit down in the booth opposite to the metal head.
"I might've asked your sister a thing or two about you." He looked embarrassed, looking anywhere but her eyes. Maybe he was genuine?

"I still don't believe you." The girls head was jumbled. Nobody had ever liked her enough to note down her favourite books and milkshakes. She was never worth the effort.

"How can I prove it, Princess? I bought you your favourite milkshake to prove my devotion. Anything else I can do to prove how much I like you?" He sounded like he genuinely wanted to please her.

"I don't know? Your the stalker, you decide." She didn't mean to be so rude but she really thought the rest of the hellfire club was going to walk through those doors and start laughing at her. She sucked on her milkshake nervously, which momentarily calmed her nerves.

"I stalked you," he says 'stalked' with air quotes, "because I wanted to know more about you. Now you can tell me face to face instead of me creeping around like a weirdo." He smiled an awful lot. It was pretty though, he was pretty.

"Why thank you." He basked in her compliment. Shit. She'd said that out loud. "Please," He changed the subject, he didn't want to embarrass her and scare her away."tell me about yourself."

"Well, I'm Kathleen Ebony Hopper, I'm 18, I like reading, milkshakes and music. There's not a lot to know about me, Munson." She mentally cursed herself for being so snappy. It was like a reflex to push any guy that had an interest in her away.

"Can I call you Kathleen?"
"C'mon, pleeeeeeeeaaaaaassssseee?" He whined while giving the girl puppy dog eyes.
"No, it's embarrassing." She said trying to hold back a laugh at his childishness.

"My real name is Edmund." The boy in front of her giggled as her jaw dropped.
"Now that's embarrassing."
"Tell me about it!" The boy complained. "Basically nobody knows, I'd get bullied by everyone I know otherwise."

"Can I call you Edmund?" The girl teased, she was having fun with him, as much as she hated to admit.
"Only if I can call you Kathleen." Kathy rolled her eyes before she offered he pinky finger to the boy in front of her.

"Pinky swear?"
"What are you, 12?"
"Y'know what never mind-" The girl started to pull away, but Eddie pull her pinky finger towards him with his own pinky with all his might.
"Pinky swear, sweetheart."


The next day the dirty blonde kept reenacting the milkshake-date in her head. She was in her own world, thinking about Eddie or 'Edmund' as she sat at the lunch table among Steve's friends.

Willow still hadn't broken up with Steve. 'I just cant do it, Kath!' Willow had said over the phone the night before. 'I don't wanna hurt him!' She cried. You are hurting him, Kathy thought, though she'd say that to her friends face.

"So me and Kathy are gonna swing by the video store for a movie later, right Kath?" Kathy barely registered the words, only responding with a light 'yeah.'

"What's up with you?" Steve asked. "It's like you've been in your own head all day."
"I'm fine, just thinking about stuff." Kathy shrugged the concern off. She felt like she couldn't talk about her outing with Eddie just yet. It felt too early into their... friendship.

"Thinking about what?" Willow asked.
"That history test I definitely failed." Kathy changed the subject.
"You need to get a tutor for history soon!"
"Sorry I don't have amazing memory like some people!" That was true, Kathy's memory was often compared to one of a fish.

The conversation deterred after that, moving to different things like the upcoming basketball game that Willow was definitely gonna drag Kathy to, or a new song by Madonna. The meaningless chatter went on until the next bell rang.

Kathy was walking to English, another class she had alone, when she was stopped by a certain metal head.
"Kathleen!" He yelled.
"What, Edmund?" She answered, biting back a small smile when she used his full name.

"I have a favour to ask." He started. Oh, god. He did want to use her after all. Kathy started questioning everything he'd done for her. "Can you tutor me for calculus?"

Oh. "That's it?" She asked.
"Yeah, I know you have an A so I thought maybe it would be some good bonding time for us. If you want, no pressure of course!" Kathy could practically see the sweat form on his forehead. His hands were even shaking slightly as he asked.

She thought it would be worse. Maybe he'd ask her to do his homework for him, but he actually wanted around her, bonding time.

"Ok, yeah sure." His face lit up at that. Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around her tightly.
"Thank you Kathleen!" He joyfully spoke, she returned the hug after a few seconds of absolute confusion.

He pulled away. "I gotta get going to history, best class ever, by the way."
"Wait, what?"
"I love history! Nothing better than learning about deranged white guys!" He said with a smile.

"Look, I really gotta g-"
"Wait- can I ask a favour?"
"Anything, sweetheart."
"Can you tutor me?"


a/n slightly shorter than the others sorry 😭 things are developing for our little duo mwahahha

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