|| #14: ton of bricks ||

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"Shut up man!" Eddie says harshly to the boy sitting in front of him, perhaps too harshly. Mike made it sound like he didn't enjoy being around Kathy, which couldn't be further from the truth.

Mike shut his mouth and gulped, a guilty expression written on his face. "Sorry- I just- don't talk about it like that, okay?" Eddie apologised. Mike may be an idiot, but he's only 14. 14 year olds are dumb sometimes.

Mike nodded but remained quiet, an awkward tension lingering over the drama room. Dustin spoke up after a few moments, "Can we just start, Kathy's taking too long." Before Eddie could protest he continued.

"I'm sure she won't mind missing a couple minutes. It's not like she's played before, she won't know what's happening." Eddie was going to say absolutely not, we can't leave her out, dude! But the kids were getting irritable, so he reluctantly nodded and started to narrate.


Kathy never showed, much to Eddie's disappointment. When he got home he tried to call her, he'd give anything to hear her voice right now, but she didn't pick up.

He was nervous, why wasn't she answering? Was she hurt? Or worse? He had half the mind to drive over to her cabin and ask her himself, but maybe you were tired, maybe that's why you went home early, so he retreated to his bed to an uncomfortable slumber.

The next day Eddie got to school early. The teachers gave him weird looks, partly because he was consistently late. Surely she has to show he thought. Fridays are her favourite.

10 minutes before the bell he saw Willows car pull up, but only Willow and Eleven walked out. Eleven practically ran away from a swathing Willow, not wanting to get caught in her wrath.

When the brunette got her sights on Eddie she stomped over. He swore he saw his life flash before his eyes when Willow grabbed him by the collar.

"What is wrong with you?!" She started, her voice laced with venom. "She fucking trusted you, asshole! How could you do this to her?!" Willow raised her fist and Eddie closed his eyes to prepare for the blow, but it never came.

"Willow, drop it!" Came a raspy voice, and when he opened his eyes he was surprised to see Robin Buckley. The freckled girl was clearing angry too, giving Eddie a glare before returning her attention to Willow.

If looks could kill, Eddie would be dead. Willow's tear filled eyes stared at him, full of hatred, disgust, disappointment. Eddie felt ashamed, and he didn't even know why.

Willow dropped her fist but replaced it with a judging finger pointed at Eddie's face. "I'll kill you, Munson. Don't ever talk to Kathy again." And with that she sniffled and walked away, Robin glued to her side.

Eddie was so confused. What did he do to Kathy. Why could she possibly-



It hit him like a ton of bricks. She heard. She knew about the stupid deal. Fuck he thought. She's never gonna talk to me again.

"I'm so fucking stupid." He breathed out. He was brought out of his shock by the bell ringing, and mindlessly walked to class, completely and utterly ashamed.


a/n this is so short I'm sorry 😭 idk how consistent these next chapters are gonna be 💔 thank you for reading though ily ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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