|| epilouge: money, money, money ||

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"Am I taking you to school tomorrow?" Willows voice echoed from over the phone.
"Nah," Kathy replied. "Eddie's taking me."
"Are you sure he's in the clear? Because I'll give him a few more bruises just to make sure!"

Kathy laughed at her best friend's antics. "I think it's ok, Low."
"Ok, as long as your happy." Willow backed off in a sincere tone.

"Oh, and you'll never guess what!" The dark-haired girl went straight back to her gossiping. Kathy hummed in response. "Me and Robin cleared everything up with Steve!" Kathy cheered, that was so relieving to hear.

"So yeah, he's over it and we're civil now." Willow spoke definitively.
"That's so amazing Willow!" Kathy replied, she was genuinely happy for her friend, she wasn't the only one going through some shit.

"I'm gonna get some sleep though, Mondays always hit the hardest!" Kathy told her friend. They said their goodbyes and Kathy tucked herself under her blanket before closing her eyes and drifting off.


Kathy was ready to go and the honk outside filled her with excitement. "Need a ride, El?" Kathy asked her sister.
"No thank you." Eleven responded. "Billy and Max are taking me, we're girlfriends now!" She expressed excitedly.

"Ok, have a good day!" Kathy spoke to her sister, on the inside, Kathy's only thought was karma is a bitch Mike Wheeler.

Kathy ran outside and was greeted by Eddie standing by the passenger door, ready to help her up. "Morning, Kathleen." He grinned at the name, and she returned it.

"Right back at 'cha, Edmund." He rolled his eyes and opened the rusty door, grabbing Kathy's hand and helping her into the van.

Eddie returned to his seat and as he started the car, glanced at Kathy. She looked at him as well, pure adoration glazing the pairs eyes. For a second they just looked at each other, before shyly smiling and returning their eyes to the road.

In that moment Kathy realised she'd made the right decision, and Eddie realised how lucky he'd been to end up with such an amazing girl. All because of some money, money, money.


a/n and that's a wrap! Please tell me what other fandoms you'd like me to write for so I can move into another book! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have an amazing 2023!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

MONEY, MONEY, MONEY || EDDIE MUNSONWhere stories live. Discover now