cap. 4

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We had been in London for two weeks now and the truth was that we were taking it pretty easy. There were days when, simply because of the rain, we stayed home and watched movies and series or had pajama parties.

- I feel like going out tonight – Nora says suddenly.

- I think it will rain – Cloe comments.

- And? Girls, we haven't gone out for days, we are young and we are on vacation. Let's do one thing: I've seen signs that they're having a party in a bar near here. We spend some time and if we like the atmosphere, we stay to have a good time – she proposes.

- I like the idea – I said.

- Well, I guess we'll have time to rest, I'm in – Cloe says.

It was already quite late so we went to quickly change clothes. I chose to wear a very pretty pale pink dress that my parents had given me for my 19th birthday almost 2 years ago.

We arrived at the place in question, which was quite close to home, and we started ordering a drink and dancing. One of the things I was liking most about London was the music they played in the venues.

We were having fun when we began to notice a certain look towards us from a stranger.

- Oh my, he's getting closer - says Cloe, excited.

- What do you think he wants? – she asked.

- What do you think, honey? – says Nora.

- Hello, I've been watching you for a while and the truth is, I'm sorry if I sound very direct, I think you're very pretty and I was wondering if... You could give me your phone number so we can meet one day, only if it's okay with you - says the boy, brown hair with blue eyes and very tall compared to us, to Cloe.

- Ehm... S-sure, no problem - she answers, red as a tomato and stunned.

- Thank you...?

- Cloe, what about you?

- William, although my friends call me Will.

- Nice to meet you, Will – Cloe tells him.

- Me too, Cloe. See you soon – he disappeared into the crowd.

- Girl, you've flirted - Nora and I shouted, excited.

- And how handsome is he – adds Nora.

- Do you really think that's okay, girls? We came to forget everything and-

- Cloe, we came here to have fun together and meet people, what just happened to you is very good - Nora interrupts her.

- Cloe, just because one of the reasons we are here is my failed wedding doesn't mean you can't go out and meet more people. I'm not going to get angry or depressed just because you or Nora go on a date with a guy who comes up to you and asks for your number.

- Well, I'll see what I do, tonight is just a girls' night - Cloe says and then puts her phone in her bag.

We went to the dance floor and started screaming like crazy when Taylor Swift's Love Story started playing. Everything was going well until a couple started to attract attention by making a marriage proposal. That scene reminded me of Marc and when he proposed to me a year ago at his birthday party. I noticed how little by little my desire to cry and the need to breathe deeply increased. I needed to get out of there.

- Girls, I think I'm going to go home, I don't feel very well.

- We'll go with you – says Cloe.

- Don't worry, you guys have a good time, we're not far from the apartment, I'll let you know when I get there.

- Okay, be careful Nini - they say goodbye.

I practically left the premises and after a while it started to rain very hard, leaving me practically drenched by the time I got home. I pulled out the key while trying to deal with some panic attack, maybe panicked by the scene in the bar, unluckily the key fell into a small puddle of water and got all wet. I tried to dry it and it worked to open the downstairs door, but it no longer worked for the door that opened our house.

- No! - I got ready to take out my cell phone to call the girls - hey girls, sorry to bother you, I know I told you that you could stay at the party, but it started to rain and my card got wet at the I took it out to open it and I was left at the door of the house without being able to do anything.

- We're going there – they answer me.

Now I just had to wait for them to arrive, and with the weather it was going to take a long time.I sat next to the door and without realizing it I began to look at photos of me and Marc, it was something that I always did when I was really bad, and although I knew it wasn't the best thing to do now, I didn't care.

- Do you need something? – I felt a strong British accent ask me. I looked up and a tall, brunette boy was standing in front of me.

- Oh, it's nothing, I'm locked outside because my key is soaked and doesn't work and my friends won't come for a while.

- If you want, you can stay in my apartment while you wait, I share it with a friend, but right now it's just me – he offered me.

- I don't want to bother you, besides, we don't know each other - I tell him, not very sure.

- You don't have to worry, my name is Louis, it seems like you're my new neighbor. Are you coming in?

I wasn't very convinced, usually if a stranger invited me to his house, I would say no instantly.

- If you don't trust me, which is completely understandable, I can stay here keeping you company – he tells me when he sees that it was taking me a long time to answer or react.

- I don't want to bother, really, if you're busy I don't want you to-

- You do not have to worry. The problem with the keys has happened to me more than once too – he says as he sits next to me – this thing breaks down more than it seems.

- And what do you do when it happens? Should I order another one? I'm a little embarrassed to call the landlord for this – I ask him.

- You don't need to call it, you just have to let it dry in rice, like a cell phone, and in a few hours it works again - he explains to me.

- Really?

- Yes, I discovered it after asking the landlord for at least two extra keys in less than two years.

There was no denying that the guy was funny, I might not get too bored waiting for girls after all.

My british boyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя