cap. 18

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The days went by, Cloe had already found a job with a bit of our help and we agreed to help her with her stuff back in Barcelona when she had her own apartment in London.

Louis and I also had gone on another date, trying to spend together all the time we could. He had shown me hidden places in the city, and he promised me to take me to a fairytale village when I came back.

Once at the airport, again, Jacob and Nora said goodbye and so I did with my friend and her boyfriend. I approached Louis, who was trying to hold back his tears, I I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. He didn't doubt on hugging me back and rested his chin on my shoulder. After that he looked into my eyes and placed a kiss on my forehead.

- I'll miss you so much - I told him before leaving.

- Me too, Nini.

- Take care, please, and you - Nora pointed towards Will - take good care of her, I know where you live - she made us all laugh.


The flight ended up being pretty good, I couldn't wait to go back to my house and take some rest. Nora and I said goodbye on the porch of my house and I rushed to tell everyone I was at my house. I took off my shoes and called my parents.

- Nina, honey, are you at home? - my mother answered.

- Yes mama, I just arrived - I say as I sit in my sofa.

- How was everything? We hadn't talked a lot.

- It's the best travel I've ever made, we enjoyed it a lot.

- Did you met someone? Maybe new friends?

- Yes, people are so kind, Cloe and Nora met a couple of boys and now are dating them.

- And what about you?

- Well, I met my best friend, our neighbor back in London and also a friend of  the girl's boyfriends. We spent so much time together.

- That sounds amazing, what's his name?

- His name's Louis, mama.

- I'm so happy for you. Honey now I must go back to work, but we need to meet one day so you can talk us more deeply about your summer.

- That's perfect mama, please say hi to papa. Bye.

- Bye, my babygirl - she hang up.

It was already time for lunch, but I wasn't that much hungry, so I started cleaning everything. Once I finished, my phone started ringing and I noticed it was a facetime from all the girls.

- Hi girl, everything's fine? - I answered.

- Not so much, to be honest...

- What happened? - Nora asks.

- I talked to my parents, and they got angry at me staying in London - she says, crying.


Half an hour earlier.

- Mama, hi - I say, calling my mother.

- Cloe, have you landed? Do you need us to pick you up?

- No mama, everything's fine. I'm still in London.

- But I don't understant, you said you were coming today. Did they change your flight so now you're coming at night?

- No mama, listen. I decided to move here.

- Jajajajaja that was so funny - she says, laughing so hard.

- Mama, this is no joke. I'm moving here.

- But, darling, how are you staying there? You have all your life here, your father is trying to get you a good job, and also you have your home here.

- Mama, listen I-

- What's this thing of moving to London? - I hear my father join.

- Papa, mama, please, don't worry, I already went to an interview and have a job, and I'll be living with my boyfriend while I find a place to live in and-

- Boyfriend?! - they both say at the same time - Cloe, you are rushing too much, you cannot leave everything for a boy - my mother says.

- What? Mama I'm not moving only for a boy. I fell in love with this city and as the adult I am I decided to follow my heart and start a life here.

- Yeah, sure, I'm pretty convinced your boyfriend had something to do with it.

- You're wrong, I took this decision by myself, and both him and my friends are happy for me and support me.

- Well, I don't approve it. You can't just do that and even less for a guy you just met. What will be next? A wedding like Nina's?

- Ok enough, with or without your consent I'll stay here. When you calm down I'll send you my new direction so you know where I am - I finished the call.

I started crying like I hadn't in a long time. Both Will and Louis were outside the house, so the first thing that crossed my mind was to call the girls


- Oh Cloe, I'm so sorry to hear that. They need time to assume this now - Nora tries to calm her down.

- Yes, she's right, you'll see how in a couple of days you talk again and fix everything.

- I guess... How are you?

- Tired, I already called my parents.

- And did you talk with Jacob?

- Yes, everything's fine.

- Same with me, but let's change the subject.

- Girls I have to leave, Will just came and I want to talk with him before he worries cause of my red face from crying - she hangs up.

I spend the rest of the day cleaning. I fell on my bed and slept until a call woke me up next day.

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