The morning was crisp. The light of the morning sun ran through the black velvet of the curtains. The warmth of the sun was enough to just glaze Levi's cheek which caused the officer to waken. This wasn't unusual for him to wake up like this after all he never really rested it was more like he rested his eyes. Adjusting to the fact that he was in bed he gazed down to the young boy that laid in his arms. The siren that managed to find him and there they were in bed.
'Great... I haven't even been married yet and here I am cheating already.' Levi thought to himself as he sat up unsure of how he was supposed to handle the situation he put himself in. This was bad. If any of the royals knew that he cheated on his fiancé he would defiantly be hanged. Especially since that he was engaged only to the most powerful women in the whole kingdom, princess Ral the king's daughter.
Staring back down at the boy it only occurred to him how he even got here or of where his tail went. Although with the acts that accorded last night he didn't feel bad about it. It felt great. He would be willing to do it again in fact despite the princess's feelings. He didn't truly care about princess Ral. He was just a candidate to receive the throne and Levi didn't feel like he was the one. He had no interest in her what so ever. The fact was that he actually loved Eren. This boy who saved him those years ago was the one he truly cared about, but he knew that this can't be. It might have been a mistake for him to embrace the siren. If Eren were to say around people would start to get suspicious. So Levi would have to make a choice...
~ A few Hours Later with a sleepy siren ~
A good two hours later the young siren started to wake up. Opening his eyes memories of the night before flooded his mind. Shyly he slipped his head under the blankets knowing that he mated with the man he loved. He never thought that Levi would suddenly come onto him like that with such affection towards him. Everything was perfect, but ... Where is Levi? He wondered as he peeked out from under the covers and saw the place next to him was empty. He felt the spot Levi must have slept in.
"Cold..." It was a obvious fact that Levi had been gone for hours now. Did he have work? Questioned flooded his mind as he wondered about the possibilities of what Levi could be doing. He was a bit scared that Levi just had sex with him then just left, but Levi wouldn't possibly do that... would he? At this point anything was an option to Eren.
Slowly Eren sat up and stared around the familiar room. He could see how clean Levi's room was. Then seeing how his own clothes were folding up and placed on the edge of the bed as if saying, "Don't put your clothes on the floor brat." Eren could see Levi saying that to him. Crawling towards his clothes he could feel a dull pain in his hips.
"O-ow..." He groaned and laid on his side. Levi truly didn't hold back last night. They at least did it three times without breaks. He couldn't how much energy the older male had. It was something Eren had never experienced, but now he was one with Levi. Whether Levi would accept him or not he was now Levis and he couldn't do anything about that. Siren's only ever have one mate so once Levi made him his it was permanent like a bond that can't be broken between mates.
Eren flipped back over and crawled over to his clothing and sat down on his knees. Holding his shirt in hands something fell out of the sleeve. A letter. Eren blinked a few times and set the shirt down and picked it up. Curious he opened the letter to find Levi's hand writing.
Dear Eren,
Come meet me at the Town Square around lunch. I have something to say, but I can't say what it is here. It's really important that you come.
Levi Ackerman
Eren stared at the letter for a few seconds. He wasn't sure what Levi was planning, but he was anxious. That's when at the end of the letter caught his eye. There was something in the bottom envelope. Reaching down cautiously his eyes sparkled as he saw a necklace. An emerald as green as the sea and a chain that shimmered in the light.
"Pretty." He spoke in awe as he quickly held the two ends and slipped them around his neck hooking the chain to the other end. Then everything went black. Eren fell to his side unconscious. His eyes faded into nothing showing nothing. The letter slipping off the bed and folding over onto the other side.
I'm sorry...

I Will Come for You
RomanceEren, the prince of the sirens, had always wanted to escape the grasp from his kingdom. So one day while the guards were not looking he escaped. On this adventure Eren sees a figure floating in the distance. It turns out being a man. Out of shear cu...