What do I do?! Eren hid under the covers hoping that Levi wouldn't come any closer. But he was wrong. Eren heard the sound of footsteps coming closer to the bed. No. Don't come closer. The footsteps stopped. Hm? Maybe he left? There was a sudden bump on the bed. No. He didn't leave! He just got on the bed!!
"Hey brat. Come out." He ordered Eren. Levi sat on the edge of the bed, swinging his leg over the other. He was piratically glaring at the lump under the blanket. Eren didn't reply.
"Tch. I said come out." Levi climbed over the teen peeling off the blanket that Eren was tightly holding. Levi who was nopw straddling the boy, looked down at him.
Eren didn't look at the man. He just sat helplessly under the weight of him. He felt small tears starting to fill up his eyes. N-no. I can't cry in front of him. Even with Eren's small protestes the tears flowed down his cheek and onto the black pillows.
Levi's eyes widened for a second then returned normal. Grabbing Eren's wrists pinning him to the bed. "Hey...Stop crying." Levi stared at the young siren. Then leaned down and placed his lips on the younger males.
Eren's eyes widened and he looked. W-wait what? Eren felt his cheek heating up. He felt his heart racing. His stomach lurched in surpised. Eren tried to get away, but that just made Levi's grip on his wrists even tighter. Eren winced from the slight pain in his wrists. Just when he thought Levi was going to stop. he felt something wet along his lips. Levi had forced his tounge into Eren's mouth. Moving around and wrapping his tougne over the teen's own. Trembling Eren turned his head away only to be forced to look back at Levi and deepen the kiss.
After what seemed like forever Levi ceased the attack on his lips. He looked down at the shaking siren underneathe him. "Oi, brat. Look at me." His uamused face looked down at the teen waiting for his response.
Eren, keeping his head tured to the side, looked up at the man straddling him. "W-why?"
Levi leaned down as if to kiss him again, but stop just a few centimeters from his lips. "It's because I wanted to see your reaction..."
At this point Eren felt large tears run down his face. I knew it. He's just using me for some kind of amusment. He is not the same Levi that I met a year ago. He's changed. "Let me go...im leaving. Im not even sure how I got back here."
Levi's eyes seemed to shimmer, but with what? Interest? Or did he just not want Eren to leave? Levi cupped Erens cheek and wiped off the tears with his thumb. "Eren." Levi looked into his green sea-like eyes. "I remeber."
Eren's eyes widened. "W-what do you mean?" Levi kept looking at him then sits up. "I knew who you were this whole time, but Eren things have changed. I wanted to see you again, but I have too much of a responsibility here."

I Will Come for You
RomanceEren, the prince of the sirens, had always wanted to escape the grasp from his kingdom. So one day while the guards were not looking he escaped. On this adventure Eren sees a figure floating in the distance. It turns out being a man. Out of shear cu...