That idiot...why did he come here? Levi paced inside his office. He didn't know how to feel. He kept replaying the scene in his mind. Eren's pained face kept appearing. "WHY?!" Levi kicked his desk, but regretted it immediately. Pain seemed to spread throughout his ankle, but he knew he was fine. Eren...I'm sorry. Please just forget about me.
Eren stumbled as he ran through the secret gate. What am I going to do now? You know what it dosn't matter. It's not like I can go back into the ocean...or...can I? He ran through the forest trying to remember where the beach it. As he ran, tears were flowing down his face. He could now smell the salty air. But by the time he reached the beach the sun was setting. He stumbled over a rock, and hunched in pain. Looking down at his ankle he could see his ankle already swelling up. I don't care anymore...maybe...maybe I should just...
I have to bring Eren back. I can't stand to see Levi like this. I know he will be mad at me but...Its for both Eren and Levi. Armin rushed outside, putting a sadle and bridle on his horse. He quickly jumped on and galloped away to find Eren.
-2 hours later back with Eren-
Eren sat on the beach resting his back against the large bolder. With his head between his legs he couldn't help but cry as he sat there. What am I supposed to do? Eren's turquoise eyes were dulling by the second. He felt as if he was dying on the inside. The sounds around him were fading. Everything felt numb. Eren fell to his side, resting his exhasted body on the ground.Huh? Why am I on the ground? So...tired... By the time Armin found Eren he was collapsed on the ground. "Eren!" Armin quickly jumped off his horse and rushed to the teen's side. "Hey Eren! Hey wake up!" Armin lifted the limp boy's body imediatly feeling he heat flowing out from his body. "Woah! He's so hot!" ((-_- Not that kind of hot...)) Armin, now with another motivation, picked up Eren and hoisted him onto his horse. Armin lifted himself onto the horse carefully He knew that Eren had a fever, but he was still unaware of the damage done to his ankle.
Admin: Heyyyy so guys Im running out of ideas so what should I write next? O.o
Levi: "Tch. Idiot admin, you can't even think of simple ideas." *crosses arms and sighs*
Admin: Im sorry!! TT^TT
Eren: "Heichou dont be mean she trying her best!" *hugs Levi from behind smiling*
Levi: "OI! Brat what are you doing?!"
Eren: "HUGS!!" *Blushes and smiles more*

I Will Come for You
RomanceEren, the prince of the sirens, had always wanted to escape the grasp from his kingdom. So one day while the guards were not looking he escaped. On this adventure Eren sees a figure floating in the distance. It turns out being a man. Out of shear cu...