Part 4

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The blonde's eyes almost looked pained as he spoke. "Levi Ackerman...He is the King's lone wolf or at least that's what everyone calls him. He is a man that everyone is terrified of. Not that long ago he was accused of murder. So I suggest you stay away from him."

"Yeah..." That can't be...Yeah, it has to be a different Levi. Eren limped along with Armin until they reached a large, sliver gate. Eren was in pure awe of the gate. The way the sun shined down upon the it making it seem to sparkle and gleam with elegance. "So where are we?"

Armin smiled, sat Eren down on a rock, and walked towards the wall. He kept feeling around the stones as if looking for something.

Eren felt the warmth of the sun on his skin as he watched Armin quietly. What is he doing? Is there something hes looking for?

 Then at some point Armin seemed to find what he was looking for. He pushed on one of the stones. When he did this part of the wall started to cave in. Also like magic the wall that was once there had become a solid stone door.

"Woah! What happened?" Eren's eyes sparkled as stood up. Hey! It looks like I can walk by myself. Cool. Eren, who is still a little wobbly, walked over to Armin observing the secret entrance. 

The teen peaked through to see that beyond the door was a large city. People rushed arcross the dirt roads trying to get their daily work done. Many citizens were trading goods with others. Eren could hear vendors shouting to the citizens passing by to test out their goods.

Armin looked at Eren and began to speak. "Now I welcome you to the great city, Edolas. The city that resides under the king's castle and thrives in trade."

"This is amazing Armin! Iv'e never been to a human city before!" Eren ran through the entrance and stood next to Armin making sure to stay by his side.

"You keep saying strange things. Why is that?" Armin looked confused at Eren's words.

But as if it was nothing Eren replied in all seriousness. "It's cause I'm not human. I'm a siren!" Well its not like I was lying to him. Hehe! 

Armin's eyes widen in shock and disbelief. "W-What do you mean your a siren?" 

What is this guy a idiot? "Just as I said I'm a siren." Eren laughed now facing Armin.

Armin didn't know what he felt more. Scared or Intrigued. "Can you prove it?" 

Is that even a question? "Yeah I can, but could I not do it here? There are to many people."

"Yeah. We can head to the Officers Quarter in the castle. As long as your with me I don't think they will force you to leave."

Why is that? Eren could see that Armin was already walking ahead so he caught up and followed. They walked through the crowd, pushing there way onto a grassy path. Armin guided Eren inside the castle. There were many guards and servants of the house. As they were both walking Eren could hear the mumbling and whispers of the people around him. They kept whispering stuff like, "who is that strange boy and whats up with his outfit? It looks almost like one of those old fashion captain uniforms. Wait! We should stop talking about this. Do you see the solider next to him? He's from HIS squad." 

Finally Armin opened a door that seemed to be our destination. The blonde pushed Eren inside. Eren looked around the room and all he saw were rows upon rows of beds. But there was a door at the end that seemed to led somewhere. Armin caught his gaze.

"Oh you don't want to go there. That's the captain's room. Never go there. The last person that snuck inside there was never seen again." Eren's eyes widen in fear, but he was still curious. Captain....huh. 

Eren put his hand into his pocket clenching the pocket watch. Levi...Where are you? 

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