A/N and another chapter

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I think I made a little mistake I forgot to put in where Y/N's mother finds out that Baji is a delinquent and that she accepts Baji for who she is since it's makes Y/N happy.

I'm really sorry for leaving this out,I didn't mean to,I just forgot to.I would make another chapter but you see I already made an epilouge.Maybe I could make a little scene on how it plays out.

                            -Y/N's Pov-

I had decided to tell my mother that Kei was a delinquent since I couldn't hide it from her any longer.

So today is the day I will tell her and I will accept what's coming to me and also Kei is gonna be there by my side.

                           -Time Skip-

"Mom,I have something to tell you,"I said looking at her nervously.

She looked at me in confusion.  

"Yes,what is it,Y/N,"she asked.

I looked at Kei nervously contemplating whether to tell her or not.

He gave me a determined gaze and squeezed my hand.

I sighed shakily and looked at my mother.

"M-mom,I have been meaning to tell you t-that...Kei is a delinquent,"I said looking away from her,to afraid to look at her.

However I heard her chuckle. "Oh, Sweetie,I already knew,"she said.

I looked at her in shock." H-How... w-when ...w-what,"I asked trying to process what was happening.

"Since the day you brought him in when he was injured,"she said.

"But that was like when we started dating.So you knew this whole time and your not mad,"I said.

"No,Sweetie,why would I be mad?He makes you happy doesn't he,"she asked softly.

I looked at Kei fondly."Yeah,he does,he does make me happy,"I said smiling.

He smiled back."Then that's that,he makes you happy so I don't have any right to interfere with your happiness,"she said.

I looked at her with slight tears clouding my eyes."Thanks,mom,your the best,"I said smiling and wiping n tears away.

"No,problem,Sweetie but Keisuke,if you hurt her in any way,I won't go easy on you,"she said giving Kei a murderous smile.

Kei looked at her with determination."I wont,Aunty,I will never hurt her,"he said.

"Then I'll take your word for it,"she said smiling sweetly.

I sweat dropped at her bi-polar personality.

"Now don't you guys have somewhere to go,"she said trying to shoo away.

I nodded with a smiled.I stood up and pulled Kei with me.

"Come on,let's go Kei,"I said.He smiled and looked at mom.

"Thanks,Aunty,for continuing to let us date,"he said.

"No problem,now go along,"she said.I smiled and said bye and left with Kei in hand.

"You see I told you it would turn out to be good,"he said smiling at me.

"Yeah,and I'm happy it turned out to be that way,"I said smiling back.

"Now shall we go,dear sire,"I said in a British accent holding out my hand.

"We shall,m'lady,"he said smiling like a dork and took my hand.

I giggled and started to walk while teasing him and him teasing me back.
It might not be good because I thought of it on the spot but I'm satisfied and now this shall be the last chapter,hopes you enjoyed it.

Bye bye my adorable readers

Ja ne~❤

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