Chapter Thirty~Eight

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First off, I would like to thank everyone for checking up on my son and I. We are doing much better and we were able to celebrate his first birthday on the 21st of July. Took him to the zoo and he had a blast. But now it's time for us to get back on track.

I would like to dedicate this chapter to tashagenaro

It was past 2 in the morning when we pulled up to house and all I have to say that people in the mafia are very rich. His house were very big and elegant. I wouldn't even be surprised if t could ft over 300 people.

I was sitting at the back of the car with Matteo and I could feel his eyes on me. To be honest, it felt kind of weird sitting here with him by myself. I would have thought Hector would be with me while I talk to my grandfather, but he went along with the other soliders who looked like they were going to shit their pants when they first saw me.

It was actually hilarious to be quite honest.

After the whole shooting and me unmasking myself, Matteo thought it would be best if we left. Once word of our reunion go out, who knows what people would do. And the last thing I need is news getting back to Dante and he comes find me and drag me back before I could start my training.

We hadn't said a word to each other since we left the party. I guess we didn't know what to say to each other. It's been ten years since we last saw each other and neither of us thought we would be back in each other's presence.

Tonight he thought he was just going to handle some business with someone who double crossed him, so with us reuniting with each other I knew it is probably taking him a minute to gather his thoughts.

While my thoughts were on Dante. I know they are probably back from the banquet already and they already see that I am not there. I wonder if they are missing me.

Well, I already know that Trina bitch is not missing me but I wonder about the others.

A throat being cleared brought me out of my thoughts. I turned around and looked over at Matteo to see that he was still staring at me.

It's like sitting beside and older version of my father.

"Um, is there something on my face?"

Really Reigny?

Out of everything you could have said to him, that is the first question that pops up in your head?

A small smile appeared on his face before he let out a quiet chuckle.

"I'm sorry mi nieta, I don't mean to stare at you. It's just hard for me to take in that you are here and alive. I'm too scared to look away from you. Afraid if I do, you might just be a dream and the moment I turn away, you will disappear." He said. I just nodded my head before looking down at my hands.

"Oh trust me, I'm here." I said to him.

That only made the smile on his face grow. He looked down at his watch before letting out a breath.

"Goodness, it's late. Let's head into the house and I will show you where you will be sleeping at." Matteo said before opening his door.

My car door was opened by the driver who's name I have learned was Cieil. He placed his hand out for me to grab and that's what I did. He helped me out of the car before giving me a smile and a nod.

"It's good to have you back with us, Ms.Garcia." He said. I just gave him a smile and said good night before making my way towards Matteo.

"Have a good night Cieil. I'll see you in the morning." Matteo called out to him.

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