Chapter Fifty~One

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Hello, my beautiful readers, I know that I have been gone for a while, but between working and taking care of my son, it's been crazy. But I am back.

I hope y'all enjoy this chapter.

This chapter is dedicated to Crown_Imagination73 and Sushieter

Jogging down the stairs with my bags down in my hands, I gave them to the butler to put it in the truck.

Today was the day Cayson and I part for Russia.

I can't even lie, I'm a little nervous. I can't remember the last time I was out of the States. But being in enemy territory is a whole other level. I won't have my family with me, nor will I have the guys with me.

This mission is a very big step for me. I'm not going across town, nor am I going to another state.

I'm heading to another country. And then I'll be going with Cayson. We're still learning a little bit about each other, but there are still some mysteries I don't know about him. I want to learn both sides of him. I want to learn the man behind the two sides of him.

Caysn and Achilles.

I heard from some of Matteo's men saying that he's a little unhinged and that he could turn his back on me in a heartbeat. That I should watch my back when it comes to his anger.

He could smile in your face and then snap your neck in the same instance.

I should be afraid of him. I should be weary of him. I should be running to the hills and away from him.

But I don't feel that way about him at all. I feel the urge to protect him from all the hurt that he has already suffered.

And besides, Matteo trusts him, and he doesn't put his trust in a lot of people when it comes to his life and family.

And plus, he's my father's protégé. And my parents did adopt him.

I should count myself lucky that he is my partner. He can show me the ropes of his position in the mafia world. And because Cayson also knows the ins and outs of Russia.

And speaking of Cayson...

"Have Cayson come down yet with his bags?"I asked. The butler just gave me a look that gave me my answer.

Blowing out a breath while rolling my eyes, I gave my thanks to him before making my way towards the kitchen. After spending a couple of days with him, I have learned that he always start his day with a a can of ginger ale and if he doesn't get one then he claims that he would have a very bad day.

Walking into the kitchen, that's where I found Kali and Wales all lovey dovey with each other. She was sitting on the counter with Wales standing in between her legs. He was whispering in her ear, causing her to blush and giggle.

"Y'all are so adorable it makes me want to throw up." I said, causing Kali to squeal in surprise and hide her face in his neck. Wales just let out a laugh before picking her up off the counter and placing her back on the ground.

"Hello to you too, Reigny," Wales said, still keeping his arms around the still ashamed Kali. They have been a whole lot closer, and I was loving it. They are still taking their time with each other to connect on a deeper level, but I guess you can say they are finally together. "Are you all packed for your little trip?"

"Yeah, I'm all packed and ready to go. But of course, my partner hasn't come downstairs just yet, and I doubt he has even packed anything. So I have come to get his jumpstart." I said as I walked to the fridge and grabbed a can of ginger ale.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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