An Indoor Snowstorm- Really Jack?

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"That's it!" Zoe exclaimed excitedly as Angel finally shot a steady stream of magic into the red bullseye she'd made. And with one hand, no less. "You're getting better everyday."

"Thanks, Zoe," Angel said, letting go of the maroon beam and examining her hand. "Once I got used to a quick succession of little blasts, one continuous one was easy."

"So you really think you're past all your emotional blocks?" Angel considered for a moment as Zoe tossed a rock her way. It was easy to catch with a levitation spell, and even easier to toss back and forth. As she watched the glow change from pink to maroon, she sighed.

"I don't know," she said. "After those damn pixies and Angor-" Angel stopped cold, realizing her mistake. And Zoe had control of the rock at the moment.

"Do you mean Angor Rot?" Zoe asked calmly, but she knew the danger behind the words she spoke. "He's been risen?"

"Um.. yeah, I guess. You know that whole day is a blur to me."

"And yet you remember the legend of Angor Rot with it; and the fact that he used pixies too."

"I never said-"

"You didn't have too." Though they were at the start of an argument, Zoe was never one to pass up an opportunity to test reflexes. She launched the rock high into the air and as it fell, Angel made her electric rope wrap around her arm for a better grip and swung it at the rock. It split in two, and she swung it at the remaining pieces cutting them as well.

"Ugh," Angel groaned, letting the rope fall. She was able to easily control the rope after a week of training with Zoe, but she couldn’t shut off the electricity that came with it. "I'm horrible at this."

"I admit you are having trouble with some things," Zoe said, picking up the scorched stone and examining it. "But your training is going a lot faster than I expected."

"I can't even make a rope that can grab something without ruining it!" Zoe rolled her eyes.

"Wow, you are determined to talk bad about yourself."

"I'm just- it's just that I know I can do better." Zoe tossed the rock piece she had to Angel, who easily caught it in a maroon glow.

"Then maybe be better at telling the truth." Angel looked at her hard expression, only noting a bit of hurt hiding beneath. With a sigh, Angel told her what happened.

. . .

Douxie loved Jack and his company, his ability to have fun wherever...

Just not while he was at work.

"How can you two stand to work here?" He asked from atop the front desk, swinging his legs against the wood. Thump, thump, thump, thump.

"Well, unlike you, we both like reading," Douxie countered as he swept. "Angel more than me, but still. Plus, I barely get any tips at the restaurant."

"Fair. It's just so boring here." Jack's head lolled back as he looked to the ceiling and made noises. Then he rolled it to the side and gave Douxie an impish smirk. The wizard didn't notice.

"So," Jack began, not slowing his leg swinging. "You and Angel finally got together, huh?"

"Um, yes. Sort of," Douxie turned to him rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "We haven't exactly set a- well, a label for what we are." Always talking with his hands, that guy.

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