Merlin's Tomb

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She should have called him. It wasn't like she was hiding anything from Douxie and she could just text if she didn't want to hear his worried voice. But then again, what could she say?

Hey Douxie. Merlin, your master, might be alive after all and the trollhunters might be in contact with him and he didn't seem to want anything to do with you....

It had taken her so long to even come to Jim's house because she was afraid of the answer herself. And what it would do to Douxie.

And now it would take longer to get the answer she needed since Detective Scott was there too.

"Detective Scott?" Angel asked, taken a bit aback by his presence. "What are you doing here?" The door opened then, cutting off his reply.

"Hello~" Mrs. Domzalski said, standing alongside Dr. L, Mrs. Nunez, and Strickler and all smiling awkwardly. Dr. L met her eyes with a glance and somehow, she knew. Jim must have told them.

"Hey Mrs. D, Dr. L," Angel saluted nervously, her smile too wide and toothy to be normal and she knew it. Hopefully they could tell that she was on their side, whatever they were hiding. If she had to guess, a troll or two.

"Hey folks," Detective Scott waved, probably forgetting her presence all together. "It's funny, I wasn't sure if anyone was home but I saw cars parked out front."

"What did you hear?" Mr. Nunez. His wife laughed nervously. "I mean, out of curiosity."

"Hey, is that a flyer for the battle of the bands?" Angel asked, effectively turning his attention to herself. Long enough for Mrs. Nunez to elbow and glare at him.

"Yeah. The mayor thinks it's cool to drag the police into handing these out. It's supposed to raise money for city-"

"Thank you so much," Dr. L interrupted, snatching the flyer away. "We'll make sure our children save the date. Angel, go ahead and come in." Mrs. Nunez looked at Dr. L like she was crazy, but allowed Angel to snake her way into the house. She elbowed Dr. L to close the door as she saw a troll that looked like a green Blinky came down the stairs. Dr. L tried to close the door and bid him goodbye but it was too late.

"Wait, what's that?" He asked, pushing his way in. Angel quickly hid her hands behind her back and let them glow so she could hide that troll with invisibility. It wouldn't last long as turning anything other than herself invisible took a lot of concentration.

"What was what?" She asked as the Detective rubbed his eyes and stared at the spot where a troll had just disappeared.

"Uh, don't you need a warrant to come inside?" Mr. Nunez asked as he tried to respectfully pull him out of the house. Detective Scott was confused but leaving willingly...

Then the green troll fell down the stairs, startling Angel into letting the illusion down.

"Oh, sweet cheese and crackers..."

"Detective Scott here-" the Detective began speaking into his walkie but fell forwards. As it turned out, Mrs. Domzalski hit him in the head with a shovel.

"Oh, don't be such a bunch of daisy's. Help me move the body!"

"Ok, maybe it's a good thing I've never beaten you at chess," Angel commented, turning all eyes to her.

"Who are you?" Mrs. Nunez asked. She looked like she wanted to glare but was still surprised at how Green Blinky disappeared from view.

"Um... I'm a friend." Detective Scott began rousing and before Mrs. Domzalski hit him again, Angel cast a spell on instinct. "Interminus nocti sluumberso!" His head fell limp again and it was quiet for a moment before Angel huffed out a laugh. "I can't believe that worked."

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