If I Had A Nickel...

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"Thanks, but you know I could've gotten to school myself, right Barb?" Angel asked from the passenger seat of her car. The past night, she had helped get some of the kids down and had accidentally fallen asleep on the couch. Barbara called Douxie to let him know where she was before covering her up.

"I know, but the last time you were hurt and teleported like that, it just made it worse," Barbara countered, then punched her arm playfully. "Also, I wanted to. Is that so bad?"

"No, I guess," Angel smiled before examining her left forearm. It was still slightly red and sore, but otherwise ok. "And I'm not hurt like I was. It's just a tattoo."

"Just promise me you won't do it for a couple days, alright? I don't wanna risk it."

"Ok, ok. I won't, Doc. I'll listen to your medical advice." Angel glanced sideways at her, a small smile on her features. She couldn't help but think about how lucky Jim was to have her as a mother. She was kind, caring, even with someone who wasn't her kid.

Like Angel's own mother...

She shook her head as Barbara pulled up to the school. It wasn't that she didn't want to think of her mom, at least the good bits of her...

But that dumb demon brought back memories and feelings she never thought- never wanted to feel ever again. That was a long time ago, her mom was never the best but she was good. Good at some moments and Angel had made peace With the fact that she would be like her...

Like her lies.... Her inability to get help when she needed it... Not telling anyone how she really felt. Barbara's hand fell to Angel's shoulder, sensing her change in mood, but her phone rang and she checked it with a disappointed sigh.

"It's the hospital, I have to-"

"Go on, Dr. L," Angel said as she got out of the car, smiling though it didn't reach her eyes. "Duty calls."

"Have fun at summer school." She scoffed and the smile she gave was genuine, exactly what the doctor was hoping for.

"Those are words that have never been uttered before."

. . .

Angel walked into the classroom with a bit heavier feeling than she should have had and her smile wasn't all the way there until she noticed some of her friends were there. Mary and Toby, obviously. Weirdly, so were Darci, Aja, and Krel.

Mary and Darci stopped talking for a moment to each give looks to her left forearm and give her smiles and a thumbs up in approval. Mary pointed to the tattoo then to her phone, silently asking permission to post about it. Angel held out her arm with a chuckle so Mary could take a decent picture, the flash startling her a second, before going to sit somewhere else.

Darci could be easy to guess as to why she was here but the curiousity she had for the siblings (and Arrrgh as he was trying to sit in a desk next to Toby) had her sitting next Aja.

Coach came in finally, muttered something about Steve, and began to take role, she didn't get to ask. Especially when he spotted the troll in the room.

"Wha- Arrrgh?" He exclaimed. "What are you doing here?" The troll finally got situated in the desk but it broke not a moment after.

"He's looking to expand his educational horizons," Toby explained with a nervous chuckle as Arrrgh picked up a nearby textbook.

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