Eternal Night

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Jim had, at least for the time being, come to terms with being a troll. After the two days of no sleep, getting transformed into a troll, and just running because he didn't know what else to do, he was taking a well needed nap. Blinky was running the planning in his place.

"I've taken the liberty of constructing a rudimentary model of Arcadia," Blinky said as he pointed to the covered table. "If we focus or defensive efforts here when the Gum-Gums attack-" Merlin made a sound of disapproval, something Douxie was familiar to and everyone else was slowly getting used too. "Do you have something to say?"

"This is a waste of time!" Merlin shouted, shoving everything off the table. Angel jumped and immediately paled. Her arms twitched, wanting to cover her face but refusing to move. Douxie's hand found hers and her pounding heart slowed slightly. Flapjack, who was perched on her shoulder, nuzzled against her face.

"You broke the museum! You philistine!" The two started circling the table, glaring daggers at one another- It was a wonder neither were cut.

"Our focus is not Arcadia. It is Trollmarket. If we stop Morgana, we stop the eternal night. The Trollhunter and I must venture into Trollmarket."

"While Gunmar and Angor Rot turn Arcadia into an all you can eat buffet!?

"For having six eyes, you are very short sighted. Defeating Gunmar is pointless if Morgana is still-"

"And defeating Morgana is pointless if everyone in Arcadia is dead!"

"Would everyone just shut up for a second?!" Angel yelled causing everyone to stare at her. The things on the ground glew red. She was just done with the two yelling at each other, of the way it made her feel so helpless. She had almost forgotten she could input her ideas and thoughts now. "One, Jim has a damn say in this- he's the Trollhunter- and two: there has to be some sort of freaking compromise!" She stamped her foot on the ground, the items flying up and the entire house shaking. "Did- did I-?"

"No, that was the third tremor today," Douxie muttered as he righted himself and her. He put a hand on her shoulder, trading it from her hand to rub soothing circles. "And not your fault." He whispered, lower so others needn't hear. Claire only glanced from the corner of her eye but said nothing.

"At this rate, I fear the eternal night will be upon us within the hour," Merlin said, hand on his chin thoughtfully.

"The battle of the bands is on," Claire worried. "The square will be packed."

"Everyone in Arcadia is gonna be there! Well, anyone who is cool, anyway," Toby both freaked and said calmly. Douxie and Angel had matching head shakes. Archie sighed and Flapjack chirped something of a agreement with the sentiment.

"On the bright side, with everyone clustered, we now know where the Gum-Gums will strike first," Merlin said with a small smile.

"How is that the bright side?" Claire asked.

"Well, we know where to compile our forces," Angel offered, a bit ticked off that Merlin had the semblance of the same thought. "And if we can get everyone out in time, we can trap them and keep them away from the residential area. Keep the civilians as safe as possible."

"And Trollmarket will be deserted; Morgana will be unprotected," Merlin added. Douxie noted footsteps and looked to the stairs. Sure enough, Jim was walking down.

"Gunmar and Angor Rot are my fight," he muttered darkly. Everyone tensed as he came down fully and were silent as Jim spoke. "First, we'll do everything we can to clear Arcadia Square. So no one gets hurt."

"Ah, afraid there's no we, mate," Douxie winced.

"Indeed. Until the night falls, in your current form, sunlight will burn you as much as any of us trolls." Jim's glare faded once he remembered what happened the last time sun touched his skin.

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