The End Begins

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The sight of Angel's red beam of magic keeping Morgana's golden one at bay reminded Archie of Douxie in more ways than one. But why? He'd never gone head to head with her before, right? Some memory flashed through his head, a vision of blue against gold; a guitar riff was accompanying it.

Archie was so distracted that Flapjack's screech nearly sent him flying back through Claire's portal. Thankfully, it had dissipated before that happened and he just rolled back in the air. The bird quickly flew to steady him with an apologetic chirp that sounded more annoyed that anything.

"Where's Merlin?" Arch asked him. Flapjack became alight with flame and attacked a few Gum-Gums that were about to disrupt and attack Angel. The beam was now favoring Morgana, but Angel still refused to let it go.

Loosing his worry for the old man at the moment, he flew over to the youngling. Try as he might and though she was clearly losing, her face was still screwed up in determination.

"Angel, let go!" Arch ordered. She ignored him. Inch by inch that beam got closer to her. As he glanced at her again, he noticed tears falling down her face.

Douxie didn't know the full extent of her thoughts, how dark they could be. Before she knew that Arch was able to talk back, Angel had talked to him about her struggles throughout the years.

"Oh no you don't!" With a blast of fire to Morgana from Archie and Flapjack dragging her down to the ground by her long ponytail. Archie quickly knocked Angel behind a stand that used to sell gnome repellent.

"Archie, what the hell?" Angel asked, trying to get up when she heard Morgana yell something about a phoenix being the perfect pet to torture. Archie pushed her down.

"No way, Missy. You are staying here until that head of yours is clear, understand?" Archie didn't give her a chance to answer as he took off to help Flapjack. And now Merlin, who had finally showed up.

Merlin blocked the golden bullets with his staff, being pushed back with each blow.

"Merlin. What has become of my once daunting master?" Morgana asked without expecting much of a compelling answer, but stopping her attack anyway. The staffs gem glowed bright as Merlin twirled it, powering it up with what little magic he had left.

"You may have stole my magic, Morgana, but there's still a few tricks in these old bones." He had finally mustered up enough magic to get a shot back to her. Archie smirked until Morgana caught the green magic and made it into her own golden rope, tying him up in the air.

"Old bones for an old fool."

Arrrgh was being held back by Gum-Gums, his throat being held in a headlock and Flapjack was trying his best to keep any others from attacking the troll. Archie tried a fire attack on the sorceress, but she simply sent the fire back towards him. Unfortunately, magic fire was the only fire he wasn't impervious to, so he was sent flying back.

"Arch!" The dragon heard as he fell. Before he touched down on the ground or wall or just a vendor stand, a familiar pair of arms wrap around him and sensation of being moved through time.

"As you slept for centuries, I had your trollhunters killed one by one!" Morgana taunted as she held him close. "Now your cause dies with them!" Angel had already put up a shield, but it was flickering from maroon to red dimly. It wouldn't hold against an attack from Morgana. If that happened, Angel would shield Arch herself.

"Arrrgh, could you lend a hand?" Merlin shouted. The troll struggled a moment more before giving pause as he looked at his hand.

"Hmm. Hand!" Arrrgh yelled before throwing the troll he was battling away, killing him, and running....

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