Learning A Lot Of Things

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(inspiration from Owl House; Season 2 episode 18- Labyrinth Runners)

"Morgana could fly, right?" Angel asked, so suddenly as she poked her head into the kitchen that Douxie had to take a moment to actually formulate an answer.

"Technically speaking, she could levitate," Archie said, beating him to the punch so he could focus. He was watching Douxie make whatever he was supposed to be making. The wizard didn't notice as he was just a body to watch Douxie and keep him from hurting himself. Or burning down the house.

"Same difference," Angel protested. "How long did it take her to learn it?"

"About two to three years," Douxie called back to her, actually trying to focus on cooking instead of getting distracted. "Why?"

"Because I want to learn it. I wanna fly."

"It will take a lot of focus and practice," Archie warned. Flapjack, appearing suddenly as he had likely just finished his flight/patrol around town, chirped his agreement. "At first, you have to completely be at peace with yourself. Then, once you do that, you can levitate slightly off the ground."

"Morgana was at- actually, that makes sense," Angel trailed off, playing back Morgana's actions and words as long as she'd known her. An air righteousness always followed her, like she thought that she was doing the right thing. "Anyway, I think I can learn it faster."

"How so?" Douxie asked, accidentally dropping something into the pan. Angel rolled her eyes playfully but continued to explain.

"Well, if you think about it, I've learned new spells a lot quicker when I'm in a stressful-slash-dangerous situation. When I teleported to the roof of my school, disappeared when I was crying in the hallway that same year, slowing down a baseball coming at my head, my claws came from the gravesand incident," Douxie muttered something that Angel couldn't hear, "and I can teleport without making a flash of light when I want to after battling Morgana."

"What exactly are you implying, Missy?" Archie asked, followed by a prolonged suspicious chirp. That made her tense and flush, but steeled her face in determination as she said the next words.

"I think I should jump off a cliff," she blurted then facepalmed. That was a horrifically bad way to say what she meant. She could have said that she needed an adrenaline rush or some kind of danger- instead she went with I should jump off a cliff....

What the actual fuck?

Flapjack seemed to be the one to take action voicing his thoughts on the matter, chirping and pecking at her head. For a moment, out of surprise and the fact that she kinda deserved it for her dumbass wording, she just let him.

"Ok, ok, I worded that terribly! I get it!"

"How would it have been worded well?!" Douxie asked turning on her with a glare that almost made her shut up and take back what she just said. But Angel promised herself she'd never do that again.

"I just meant I need an adrenaline rush or to be in danger for me to get the harder spells or bits of magic." Flapjack finally stopped pecking at her head, but he still matched the glares everyone else was giving her. "Ok, that isn't good either."

"Why on earth would you think that you need to jump off a cliff to do that? Isn't that parkour you do with Zadra and Aja dangerous enough?"

"They're safety nets, Doux! If- if I fail, Zadra or Aja have got my back!"

"You make that sound like a bad thing!"

"In this situation, it is Douxie! If I have something to fall back on, my magic won't think to help me- however the hell that works."

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