Sorry, but this has to happen

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Today, I'm talking about the newest Owl House so, spoiler if you haven't seen it and want to. Go. Watch. It. The entire series if you haven't.

When Gus talked about captain avery knowing, I've got a damn good feeling that he was trying to clue in Hunter that he knew about his Grimwalker status

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When Gus talked about captain avery knowing, I've got a damn good feeling that he was trying to clue in Hunter that he knew about his Grimwalker status. And he may have told Willow considering her reaction to the statue. That or she simply is suspicious.

Vee has a crush!

Camila is best mom. I will not be taking criticism. She always stood up for Luz, took in five extra kids and did her best to accommodate, jumped into the water without a second thought to save Hunter, refused to let Luz stay in the human realm and went in with her. Please let her put glyphs on it like beta Luz had.

Second episode callback. It's where Luz thought she would get a staff and belong, then realized she was enough. I can't help but think since that's where the second Belos battle (more on that in a minute) happened, in a similar place in the human realm, if that's where they'll end up.

Luz's dad and The Good Witch Azura.. that's why she was so attached to the series and modeled her life after it. I should know, I think I latched onto The Owl House because of my own mother's absence and death. You'll find out more when Angel the character gets to that point. I promise it will happen.

But this is about The Owl House rn.

And Evelyn and the hayride! That was such a baller and brilliant move to put the Wittebane story as a hayride themed lore story! Also, Evelyn sounds like a mash between Edalyn and Gwendolyn. Am I thinking too much into this? Probably.

Do I give a crap? No.

Hunter repeating his line to luz to belos (s2)

In season 2, one of Hunter's first lines to Eda and Luz was "What's about to happen should be relatively painless; provided you do as we say." It's nice to see how far he's come. Speaking of...

Flapjack and Hunter's possession...

With that, I should have seen it coming. There were always death flags for him and the minute the animation got better, I was simply like "no, no! No fight!"

The fight was amazing in and of itself.

But Flapjack is gone and it made me cry. I added the bird in here with my own spin on him because I love the little guy and kin Hunter. The kid's been through so much and he didn't need this. It was great to see him finally fully stand up to Belos, but...

I can't say much more. These are my thoughts on the latest episode. I just had to get them out.

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