Season 2: Meet The Akkiridians

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Hopefully, that's the last of the weirdness in Arcadia, the radio said. Eli was tired of hearing that line of thinking, so he turned it off. There was definitely still something alien amongst them.

A rustling from outside made him gasp and turn to his window. Was it a goblin? Creeper? Had the aliens figured out what he was doing? He really should have closed his window. What if-

Oh. It was just Toby climbing in the window. Why didn't use the front door. It was only seven and now summertime. What was with the secrecy?

"A thousand texts," Toby said, shoving his phone in Eli's face. "You sent me like, a thousand texts." The boy fell in as he tried to shove the phone into his face more.

"Steve wasn't answering my calls," Eli defended as he helped Toby up. "I have to tell someone."

"What, that your voice dropped? I'm still waiting on mine to do that. Why is it so dark in here?"

"Focus Toby."

"Ok, ok. Tell me what?"

"Something that's going to rock your world." Eli shined a flashlight on his face, trying to make his next words more dramatic. "Things in this town are not what they seem."

"Really? Did the huge ray of light shooting up from the canals your first clue?" Ok, so his plan to make Toby take this seriously failed, but that wouldn't stop him.

"That's just the tip of the iceberg. Check it." Eli lead Toby to his wall of connections. Hmm. He should ask Toby for a better name later. For now, the bulletin board of his research would do.

"Wow," Toby muttered as Eli pulled down the poster covering it. "Dude, you've gotta get out more." He ignored that.

"I've been putting the pieces together for months."

"Trolls, sure," Toby said as he followed the light Eli had. "Wizards, I've met a good few." There was a picture of Angel under that one. Apparently, he didn't know about Douxie. Should he tell him? The last tier gave Toby pause, so he forgot about the other wizard for the moment. "Wait- aliens? So you think there are aliens in Arcadia?"

"People aren't who they seem, Tobes. Look." Eli took out a picture of some people in weird cosplays or something CGI and put it over a picture of Aja and Krel. Over. And over... And over.....

"Ok, I get it. You think Aja and Krel are aliens."

"Aja and Krel are aliens!" Eli insisted, shutting his flashlight off and looking at the picture of Aja and Krel like they were the enemy. "And if I've learned anything after six seasons of Earth Invaders, they aren't here to make friends."

He got up and turned on his light as he looked back to Toby. "I'm going to need you, and your Warhammer. We're going to set traps all around Arcadia. My phone will notify us. I just downloaded an app called Trap My Friends."

"Woah, woah- traps?" Toby asked, wondering why that was even an app. "You're not planning on killing them?"

"No, no. My traps are inescapable but humane. Or should I say, aliene."

"Yeah, you really shouldn't," Toby deadpanned.

"We'll use candy as bait. No alien can resist a Nought Nummy."

"That's true," Toby said, now entranced by the confection. "No sentiment being can resist the crunchy chocolate goodness of a Nought Nummy."

"Focus," Eli said offhandedly. "The fate of Arcadia rests in our hands. We're going to catch those aliens." Toby didn't fully listen to that last bit. Partially because he'd heard it before, partially because of the confection. He really wanted that Nummy.

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