Where's Waldo/Jim/Angel?

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"You should be looking for Jim," Angel winced as Barbara poked and applied pressure on her middle. "Not taking care of me." As soon as the others left to search for Jim, Barbara ushered Angel up to her own room (after convincing\ordering her to stay and rest her surprisingly light injuries after getting slammed on the ground multiple times) to examine her.

"I can't look as well as Toby, or Claire, or Walt," she sighed. "And honestly, if you weren't dealing with broken ribs, I would've just tried to keep from attacking Merlin."

"So, I guess was right something breaking," Angel chuckled but immediately winced. Luckily, Barbara was done with the poking and prodding. Angel pulled her shirt back down and let herself fall back on the bed.

Though the tears from the phoenix/Flapjack seemed to heal her surface injuries like the wound on her head and nose, her ribs didn't heal at all. Either because his tears didn't touch her chest or they only healed the surface, she didn't know.

She knew the answer but her mind was so muddled and exhausted that she couldn't be bothered with remembering. Angel spent a little time talking with Barbara but couldn't keep her eyes open. At some point, Flapjack flew over to nestle next her face. She absently pet him, the few seconds of her consciousness wondering if he'd always felt that warm.

. . .

At nearly one in the morning, Barbara quickly hurried down to the door being practically banged on. The only thing she thought of, the only person she thought could possibly be at the door was Jim. Merlin was still watching the TV curiously, not a care in the world for someone who was supposedly protecting it.

Barbara didn't care either, she just threw the door open.

"Oh. Douxie," she said, a bit disappointed to see the wrong boy. But he himself seemed just as worried as her, the bags under his eyes almost matching Angel's and a few worry lines now on his forehead. "What are you doing up so late?"

"Hey, Dr. Lake," he waved weakly, either just ignoring her question or not hearing it. The boy was exhausted. "Um, have you seen Angel? I've looked everywhere for her and she isn't returning my calls or any of my texts and the last time this happened-"

"Wait, she hasn't told you?" Barbara asked, pushing up her glasses again. "She's been on and off here for the past couple days." Douxie's look went from worried for her safety to confused and slight hurt.

"She- she has? Why- why wouldn't she have told me?"

"It's not for anything bad- well, not in any way that- what?" Merlin had scoffed and groaned, so she glared at him, but that caused Douxie's eyes to widen and try to sneak a peak inside. "Um, that's just my Uncle Merlin visiting from the uh, mo- mountains of-"

"When you're done with that fabrication, you can go ahead let my apprentice through," Merlin said as he turned off the tv and wiped his hands like he had just finished with something dusty and dirty. Barbara hardly had time to even process the sentence before Douxie pushed himself in. He froze by the stairs as he looked to the man in front of him.

"Master..." Douxie breathed, the only thing he seemed able to say. In his eyes there were mixed emotions and she couldn't tell what it was at the core. "You- how long have you-"

"A few days, Hisirdoux. Not long enough to contact you."

"Really? You couldn't have sent a raven? Or- or a text? There's texting now, you know!"

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