A Pair of Wings - 3 Months Left

293 21 14

Error's POV

I stared at the flowers that flourished. Ink had taken me to a garden that he once visited when he was a child. The pedals were so colorful and bright. It certainly reflected Ink's personality.

A tap on my shoulder made me turn around. I saw Ink standing behind me with a warm smile on his face which brightened my day.

Ink held out his hand to me and I took it. He led me down the sidewalk to look at other beautifully colored plants. It made me happy to see Ink having a fun time exploring the garden. I couldn't have a more perfect day with him.

However, I've felt myself become more exhausted from day to day activities. Now I was no longer able to pretend that I didn't have cancer, even if it was for a single second to have bliss.

We sat down at a bench atop a hill, being gifted with an amazing view of the entire garden. Ink pulled out a sketchbook and began to draw it on a page.

I turned on my phone and looked at the website of a store nearby. I was researching their products when I finally decided something.

Me: Ink.

He hummed to let me know he was listening.

Me: I'll be back. There's somewhere I want to check out while you draw.

Ink: Okay. Be safe and I love you.

Me: I love too.

I responded as I turned to head towards the store.

(Time Skip)

I returned to find Ink in the exact same spot where I had left him. The drawing was mostly finished and there were even some added details.

I sat down, leaning against his shoulder. On the way back I was hit with a sudden wave of fatigue which caused me to become extremely exhausted.

My hand offered a box to my boyfriend. He looked away from his sketchbook curiously before gently accepting it. When he opened it, he saw an assortment of different chocolates.

Ink: Thank you so much, Ruru.

Ink said as he kissed me on the cheek. I smiled back tiredly and returned it.

What Ink didn't know was that I had also bought something else for him but it was to be kept a secret by me and myself alone.

(Time Skip)

I woke up in the hotel bed. Confusion came to me as I hadn't remembered falling asleep. Last I knew was that Ink and I were at a restaurant.

Shifting on my side, I noticed the sun still in the sky outside the window. I wasn't quite sure how long I was sleeping for.

The hotel room was empty, leading me to wonder where Ink was. Normally he would have found a seat somewhere and start drawing. However, that wasn't the case.

After getting out of the bed I looked around for my lover and eventually found him on the balcony. He was curled up in his seat and hiding himself in his scarf.

I slid open the door in a slight panic as I figured he was upset.

Me: Ink. Are you okay?

I asked, sitting in the chair next to him. Ink shook his head before looking away from me. I was pained by seeing the black inky tears that rolled down his cheeks.

Me: Tell me what's wrong?

He let out a few sobs and hugged himself tighter.

Ink: Aren't you scared? I am.

Me: Why?

Ink: Because I'll lose you.

Ink responded, having trouble due to crying. I grabbed his chair and pulled it closer to mine. Then, I gently hugged him.

Me: There's nothing to be afraid of. This happens to a lot of people. I have been able to accept my fate because I know that have you, Inky.

Ink: But why does it have to be you to die?

I hushed him as I softly patted his head. Ink cried into my shirt and held onto me tightly.

Me: ...

It'll be okay

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