Chapter 4 - page 2 "Dougal & The Occamy"

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After regaining your blurred sight, you still feel nauseated enough that you trip and crash onto the floor with a thud and a creak of wooden boards. You were now in an antique store, and in front of all of you was.. Um. Dougal? The Demiguise you believe. 

"A-are you alright t-there, y-y/n?" Newt asked you; you felt a little dazed, but fine, and grabbed his arm to pull yourself up when it was offered. "My last two creatures are here.. Such as Dougal in front of us. He can predict the most probable future, and act upon it, making him incredibly difficult to fool. Try to be unpredictable..." Newt paused, and looked again at the creature's glistening eyes.

"He's parenting something. My other creature...? Yes." Queenie took a step forward in front of the group, and before Newt could warn her, she kicked an ornament that ringed through the shop.. You sensed imminent danger and as Dougal jumped into Jacob's arms, you ducked down with incredible grace and weaved past the large appendage that crushed the others against the wall. 

It was an occamy. You kept moving past obstacles by sheer instinct until you formed steps with books all the way up to the creature's massive beak, and caressed it gently with the feathers behind, letting the large head be thrust past your neck as you calmed the beast. It soothed quickly and loosened your companions at your gentle touch. 

The creature began to shrink until it was just your size and long enough to coil around you in what you would call friendly and Newt would call protective way. "I-incredible.. Never have I seen an occamy soothe to anyone enough to reduce in size.. Thank you, y/n.." Newt seemed a little restrained, but you took no notice as you gained another rowdy guest in your presence. 

The other occamy you soothed seems to not want to leave, just like a certain other of the same species currently lurking in your scarf. The two were now looping around and around inside of the scarf, making you chuckle before they settled down. 

"I-it's funny.. Y/n. Your eyes glow whenever you do something instinctively.. It reminds m-me of-" Newt was cut off by a loud boom ringing throughout the shop. 

You now turned your attention to a sudden rumbling and crashing outside, and looking out there, you would see a large shadowy conglomerate destroying everything in it's path.. Until you felt your body lift as your tail was grabbed and everybody else apparated again... 

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