A Offering :D

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If you don't like/can't eat the candy you're able to change it.

Reader X John Doe

     Today you couldn't stop finding chocolates and sweets around the house everywhere you went. Drawing? Reese's. Eating? Starburst. Laundry? Somehow you find a intact Hershey's bar inside the washer machine. Trying to sit on you bed? Oops, looks like you sat on some Sour Patch Kids. You had enough.. but in a good way.

     You wanted to know why someone would do this. And there's only one person to suspect.

*Door Creaking open*

     You opened the door to were you thought John Doe would be in. And found him in the closet trying to put a kit kat bar inside your shoe. "Hun, what are you doing?" You asked him. "Aw, you weren't supposed to see that."

     "I'm sorry, but what are you doing again?" "I'm hiding candies around the house so when you doing your everyday thing's you find them!" You never felt so loved in that moment <3 "I literally don't deserve you Doe.." "Wha?" You ran over and hugged him.

     And even though he didn't know what was going on he glady returned the hug back. "Let's go to the store. I'll get you anything you like Doe." "YAY!" You two got ready and you obviously ate the Kit Kat he just left in your shoe. Almost out the door he stopped you.

     "Wait- before we go out, do you want a kiss?" No hesitation you replied. "Absolutely!" Before you leaned in he pulled out a kiss from his pocket and fed it to you. What a twist. "Reeeeeeeeaal funny John." From the key holder you tried grabbing the keys but felt nothing there.

     Which caught you off guard. "Uh, John where are my key's?- there's just fake gummy key's here."


"... I ate them."


Thank you for making the time to read my book! <3

John Doe X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now