You're Out For Blood 🦇 :)

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Vampire Reader X John Doe

"AAAAARRRrrhh" You muffled your screams of agony with a pillow. Today is the day you become who you truly are. A Vampire. It's a tedious process that already happens the night before your painful morning. In your sleep you can't feel a thing, but when you wake up the torturing feeling flashes all over your body.

The feeling of your eye's adjusting for a night in the dark. Your nails growing at fast speeds makes you want to chop them off. Your nose hot and fuzzy ready to sniff any droplet of fresh blood. You're body aching from all the extra muscle growth making you 10 times stronger then you were. Your appetite bigger then ever.

And the most notable.. your teeth. They all are stronger but the main two pointy front teeth are the best. It has the capability to pierce through anything. You tried standing up and go to the kitchen to eat. You couldn't stand the pain and fell to the ground.

You crawled to the medicine cabinet and downed two tablets. Hoping that it'll be enough to ease the pain. You tried ignoring the pain and went to work. You brought some extra pills just in case. You walked in and went straight to work.

"Have a nice day sir!" You yelled to the man who just bought some gas. "Ahh.." You growled as you slowly allowed yourself to side down to the floor. You can't with this anymore. Your hunger Is growing, your stomach is punishing you.

You scrambled to down another pill and some snacks you may or not may have stole. *Ding* Thank goodness you were able to finish that in time. You stood back up and saw him. John Doe! John Doe is a nice man who keeps you company. He's a good friend, but you're worried he'll see that something's wrong.

"Hi You!" John said. "Hi Doe!" "I actually came here to buy something." He places a cherry flavored drink and.. you pretend to charge it but didn't. He smiled happily when he realised. "See you later?" You asked he nodded happily and ran out the store. You smiled until the pain wiped it off you're face again.

Time skip. As John Doe drank he kept thinking of you. How lovely and nice you are. But then.. he replayed the moment at the store. Overthinking it he did think that something wasn't right. Maybe they woke up wrong? They're tired? Sick even?

His guessing didn't match with how he saw you today. You acted like everything was fine. But when someone loves and cares about you as much as he does.. believe they'll notice. He noticed...

[Time Skip]

You throw your uniform off to the side of your bedroom. God how awful today was. Ate nearly nothing too. You wanted to take a relaxing bath but before you fill up the tub or take off any of your clothes off you snapped.

You started to pant heavily and couldn't control the urge to run free and bite anyone who gets in your path tonight. You felt your wings spreading free. You're numb from all the pain you don't even react to it anymore. Despite common belief all Vampires are different.

Some turn into bats, some can't even fly, some grow bat wings. The wings rip the clothes on your back and you're finally free to fly. You open the window, not even trying to be quiet. And you take off. You forgot how good it feels to have your wings back.

At first you had to stop on multiple buildings because you weren't use to it. But that got old fast. You sored through the sky looking for a good target. You became frustrated when you couldn't see anyone, until you saw a lonely hiking man near the woods. You dropped from the sky and began attacking your victim.

He fought but you fought harder. You won with the prize being blood. You sucked until you couldn't. And you managed to bite a chunk of meat to eat. As you chewed you heard a noise come from the woods.

You grabbed the man flew over the woods and threw him off somewhere. You saw a camp site with two tents. When you were done it like horrid. You fly away to the city hoping for at least somebody to walk alone this night. You stop in a dark alleyway with a small half working street light.

Frustrated you hissed. You turned around to fly off again when you saw a figure. You jumped to the figure and they fight back. You're confused, why are they so strong. You literally killed a bodybuilder not to long ago.

They push you onto a wall and hold your hands over your head. You hissed automatically, and snapped at them trying to get a good bite. They lift up their face and you tense up. The shadow disappeared to reveal John Doe. He looked in shock and curiosity at your face.

You closed your mouth and your eyes and directed your head away from his gaze. This wasn't how it supposed to be, you promised to yourself to keep this a secret. For your safety and reputation. He let's go and you slid down hiding your face with your hands and hiding your body with your wings. After some silence you tried crawling away in hopes to escape.

He kneeled to your level making eye contract with your bright ones. You hissed automatically without meaning too. He saw the worry in your expression. He sits down, John Doe holds onto your thigh and locks his hand around yours. He wipes the blood off your lips and chin.

John Doe: "A Vampire-"

You: "This wasn't how it was suppose to be. I'm not a monster I promise I'm just hungry, very hungry."

You look off to the side.

You: "I have to go-"

John Doe pulls you into a hug. This caught you off guard you never felt a hug in this form some how it felt nice, no better then nice, great! You needed this. You started to cry into his shoulder.

You: "I'm not a monster-"

John Doe: "It's okay I believe you."

He carries you to your apartment. In a bridle style you wings wrapped around yourself and you hold onto his shirt. You noticed his shirt had these bloody red hearts painted on it. It was a calming long walk.

He barged through you door and kick it closed. He sets your emotionally tired body on the couch. He sighs and looks back at you. Your glossy eyes begged him to sit with you. He snuggles close and caressed your wings.

He looked at you mouth with curiosity. You noticed and opened it, he gently touched your fangs and grabbed onto one with his fingers. He pulled them causing you to come closer and his lips touched yours. John let's go and kisses softly. He parts away to see a blushing face with wide piercing eyes. You smiled and snuggle closer. The rest is history.


Thank you for reading! 🦇

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