He's here X[

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Reader x John Doe

Keys words: Nightmare, weird, bedroom- (You don't know him in this)

Your in your bedroom, and a tall figure observes your sleeping form from the darkness of the corner. You sit up on your bed, the dark figure continues to stare at you. He stands still. You think to your self and somehow convince yourself that this is a dream. You greet the figure. "Hi, handsome." You say confidently.

You have nothing to lose why not? The figure smiles, it's k9s shining bright despite it's still dark. And you can hear a low growl under it's breath. It comes closer to you, it twitches at each step. You say something out of pocket in a monotone voice. "What am I to you?" As you ask this question the figure comes close enough that the light from your night lamp shines onto it and shows who it really is.

A tall deranged man, with long curly and messy black hair that ends around his mid thighs. He stared daggers at your soul but still has this perfectly curved happy smile on his lips. Showing a row of teeth that gave you chills. The man is now very close to you. He's so close you can see him clearly now. He looks at you with a smirk. "You are my plaything".

He opens his mouth to display his creepy mouth and long tongue. Not skipping a beat you say "Hold on, you didn't even take me on a date yet. And you want to do these types of things to me". The man tilts his head, as if he finds you weird and amusing. He then starts laughing at you, his laughter is demonic and twisted. "Haha, oh come on, I'm not that funny. But sure if you want me. I'm. All. Yours. Every last bit of me."

You're confidence bites you back when the man pushes you off the bed to the ground facing upwards. You feel a cold hand slowly wrap around your neck, which is also being squeezed by his force. You see his smile as he leans in to say in a demonic voice "I. Will. Make. You. Mine." You wrap your legs around his torso. And gently place your hands on his forearms.

The man appears very surprised, not expecting you to do that. Your legs squeeze him too hard, and his breath is cut short. He starts coughing due to not being able to breathe. He lets his grip on your neck off slightly. You push him onto the floor and sit on him. You try holding his arms above his head. And lean in to kiss his neck. Reminder you think this is a dream and don't care for what you do and for what you remember in the morning.

But somehow this feels very real. The man appears very confused and startled at this. He tries to get out from underneath you, but you're too heavy. He tries to make you get off of him, but finds he cannot move. "How do you feel? You whispered still holding his arms above his head. And still sitting on him.

The man appears flabbergasted but intrigued. He tries to get out his own way, but fails miserably. Suddenly his body starts to get warm, as heat rises up from his torso. His smile widens, before he starts making low growling noises. Keeping him trap you took the opportunity to kiss him again and again. The man appears very startled.

He starts smiling, he doesn't make the low growling noises anymore. He seems very happy and relaxed, in his eyes is no demonic, twisted thoughts. You seem to have managed to tame him with your love. You help him up and both gently and lovely hug him. You both share a loving hug, he is now tamed, he no longer is twisted. And now your loving, sweet man.

You two lay down on the bed together and you pull the covers over both of you. Peacefully in hope to sleep soundly together. You kiss one last time before feeling sleepy. You both share a loving sleep, as he let's out a sigh. His body curls around you perfectly.


John Doe X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now