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"Just follow my lead."

I slowly creep out of my room trying not to make a sound. I don't hear him anywhere or see him. I turn my head forward and run right into him.

"Where are you going?"

"I um...need to stretch my legs and let Kaleah run."

"Okay I'll go with you."

"You don't have to..."

He raises his eyebrow at me while crossing his arms.


"Yeah you don't have to because I'm not going that far and I won't be gone for long."

"If you're not back in a few minutes I'll come and bring you back. I don't plan on failing my mission."

I shift and run out of the door. Ace transforms into a flea and hangs onto my ear.

"So where are we headed to? Crap I forgot you do mind links and telepathic conversations. Well looks like you'll be listening to me until we get to our destination."

I roll my eyes in response. I slow down to a trot once we get to the hidden village of the vampires.

'What happened to this place it's not hidden anymore and it looks ransacked.'

'Quick to the bushes.'

I start to hear voice that become louder and louder.

"Where the hell are they?!"

"They were here it's prevalent in the energy surrounding this place. They weren't the only supernaturals here either."

My heart starts beating faster and I'm trying to mask my emotions as well as my powers. I'm overheating so Kaleah starts panting to cool down. This isn't good at all.

'Kiyah! What are you doing?'

If I don't get caught by the witches I'll get caught by my "mate".


'Doesn't seem like it.'

The hair on my back stands up.

'He's right behind me isn't he?'


'Care to explain?'

'Um no I'm trying to focus.'

The witches are throwing objects everywhere and can not find what they're looking for.

"The dark one will not like this one bit and I'm not the one who is going to tell her."

"Nor I."

In the middle of the witches this dark energy begins to form and swirl around them.

"Report! Am I speaking to myself?!"

"They're not here dark mistress."

She raises the one who is speaking into the sky.

"Go on!"

"They seem to have help from other supernaturals to escape. They took your prized possession with them."

She lets the witch down and ponders in silence.

"Very well. If they don't want to bring the fight to us we will bring the fight to them. Let it be know once the moon becomes full we will have our revenge. That will be the night we begin our reign once and for all. Make ready and gather all of my creatures. We will strike in 3 days time."

The witches disappear and I shift back into my human form. I try to catch my breath but it seems like the more I try to catch it I can't. I lean against a tree it looks like I'm being pulled further and further away from my people.

"Thought you'd get away from me my pretty."

"I must be hallucinating."

"Not quite yet."

"I knew you were there in the bushes the whole time while my witches hadn't detect you I did. I could feel you struggling not to be seen but that's what made you more noticeable."

"What do you want?"

"What I want is only half the part. The real question is what do you desire?"

She studies my eyes and struggle within her grasp.

"Do you want to know who's responsible for what happened with your mother? I can show you how to unlock all of your powers and wield them with ease. You wouldn't get tired or drained from using your powers. Or perhaps I could give you your normal life without letting the supernatural world affect you."

"What would you gain or benefit from it?"

"I need you to sit out of this silly war and stay out of the way. It would be even better if you would join forces with me and we would be unstoppable. Alas I know this is something to consider for now I'll let you go back to them. I'll know in three days time who's side you are on. Deliver my message."

She throws me back onto the ground and I'm able to breathe again.

"Kiy Kiy."

He cradles me in his arms.

"You feel cold. What's going on?"

"Dark mistress wants me to stay out of the war."

"You couldn't possibly do that! It would the downfall for all of humanity and our world. Please tell me you're not considering this?!"

"Of course I'm not."

"Kiy cutting deals with evil beings only leads to your own demise. They don't hold up on their end."

"Yeah I know."

"Okay. Let's go home."

"Actually I'll be there in a few minutes."


"Trust me I'll be there."

"Okay let me know if you need me."

He walks off and looks behind him before running off. Ace shifts into a mini version of him on my shoulder.

"Well aren't we glad he's gone?"

"Ace I need you to head back too."

"Me? I'm here for your protection though."

"I know just let me be by myself for now."

"Are you sure I don't want to leave you defenseless?"

"I'm sure."

Ace nods and flies off into the night. I lay my back into the tree and concentrate on the dark mistress. She comes before me.

"If I chose to stay out of the war or live a normal life I want you to leave my family and supernaturals I love out of it."

"As you wish."

"I want it in writing with no malicious intentions or clauses."

"Done. You have my word child."

I grab the scroll and read over it.

"Once you sign it I'll know."

She disappears and I ponder her words.

I place the scroll inside of my amulet necklace, then I sit cross legged on the ground and meditate until I'm in my mind.

"Kaleah! Kairi! What do y'all think?"

"Honestly Kiyah if you believe anything that witch said you gotta be outta ya mind."


"Why would you run from your destiny? You were born for this and it's not the pack's way to run away from battle. It would be selfish if you didn't fight."

I leave out of my mind and then to the back of my mind. I want to do the right thing, but has anyone considered how I feel?

Treachery From A SupernaturalWhere stories live. Discover now