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Training goes without interruption and we take a break. My chest rises and falls with the quick breathing I'm doing which causes my chest to have a burning sensation.

"I...am...whew." I say while trying to catch my breath and drink some more water. I catch a cramp in my leg and lean against the wall.

"Breath and relax." He says as he leans me against him while I hop to the couch.

"How...I" I start to say before he cuts me off.

"Words hold power and strength. Never say what you can't do." He says as I catch my breath on the couch.

He walks into the kitchen and comes out with a green tinted drink.

"Drink this for the cramp." He says while passing it to me.

I smell the drink and the smell doesn't seem inviting to me. However, his intense staring causes me to give it a try. The taste is a bitter, earthy taste with a hint of sweetness towards the end. I down the drink and the cramp in my leg is gone.

"Thanks." I say while relaxing on the couch.

"No problem." He says as he walks off to wash the glass.

"So now what?" I ask while following him.

"Now what?" He says in response.

"What are we suppose to do?" I asks while leaning against his bar.

"What do you want to do?" He asks while drying the glass.

"I don't know, but I don't feel like I'm ready for the battle." I admit.

"A warrior is never fully ready for battle." He says as he turns to face me.

Silence enshrouds around us and I turn to my thoughts.

'So if I'm not ready, will that ensure my downfall?' I ask.

'Kiyah you can't let fear rule over your life. You have to take it head on. You have both me and Kiari here for you.' Kaleah says in response.

I go outside and lay back in the grass. Around me I hear giggling and I feel a tug on my hair. I laugh and close my eyes. I feel a brush against my cheek a push against my arm.

"Kiyah...Kiyah. I have a message for you from Ivorie." A voice as the cool wind tickles my skin.

"What's the message?" I ask while remaining in my relaxed state.

"She said you will have support from her and her family in the Great War. Everyone is preparing for battle and they are waiting for your return." The cool wind says.

"Thank you. May you send a message back to her." I ask.

"Yes." The cool wind says waiting on my message.

"I will be returning soon and be prepared for anything." I say and a cold shiver runs down my spine.

"Is that all Kiyah?" The cool wind says.

"Yes and thank you." I say.

I no longer feel the cool wind and my cheeks start to burn.

"Wind burn I bet." I say while rubbing my cheek.

'Should I drop in on the family?' I ask.

'Kiyah you know they haven't seen you in forever and once you go they might not let you come back.'

'I agree with Kaleah and besides what about that hunk of handsome in the cave?' Kairi says in a flirty tone.

'I could teleport him too.'

'You dad will shred him apart because he'll think he is the reason why you haven't returned. You are covered in his scent.' Kaleah says while trying to keep her voice calm.

'You do have a point. Can I mask my scent or something?'

'That's a red flag love. Then daddy will know something is up and you might hurt handsome in the process. He loves that his scent is all over you.' Kairi gushes.

'Kairi can you chill with how you making my body react.' I say while rolling my eyes.

'Honey I haven't done anything but I can show you what it is like when I have a hand in something.'

'No I'm good love.' I quickly respond.

I wander in the cave and I can tell he has been watching me by the way he tries to turn his back to the doorway.

"If you miss me just say that." I say playfully.

"I did. How are you feeling?" He asks while taking a sip from his coffee cup.

"I feeling a little anxious but I know that has to be normal. I'm kind of worried about how my family will react to my homecoming as well." I confess while searching the room with my eyes.

"Your family will be happy to see you and the woman you've become out here." He says while placing his coffee mug on the coaster.

"It's not that...I just hope they don't feel like I'm selfish for the choices I've made." I say while thinking out loud.

"You've made the choices in order to better not only yourself, but others as well. If they don't understand that send them my way." He says while growling in a low tone.

I smile to myself because of how protective he is towards me.

"Calm down mister big bad wolf." I say while hugging him from behind.

He turns his body to face me for a more intimate hug and we hold it for a while. My mind drifts off and I enjoy the moment.

"Kiy Kiy." I hear and I come back from my daydream.

"Hmm." I say.

"You started to get this weird look on your face." He says.

"We must've wasted some time." I say while sliding out of his arms. The clock on the stove moved one minute since he started cooking.

"Ummm what's going on?" I ask while looking in shock at the clock.

His eyes follow my gaze and his jaw slacks a bit.

"Someone has messed with time." He grimly states.

"Just our time or everywhere? If it's just ours that means we will show up late to the battle." I say while my anxiety levels try to spike.

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