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"No this can't be real."

"Believe it baby it is." 

She kisses my forehead and chills run up my spine.

'Jade we have to fight this.'

'I'm knowing.'

"What's wrong?"

"As much as I want to believe this I simply can't."

"You little ingrate!" She says as she tries to scratch across my face with her nails.

"I don't want to hurt you mom if that's who you are."

"I carried you for nine long months and this is how you repay me!" She pushes me back a couple feet.

Jade and her mom are tousling as we speak.

"I don't want to fight I just need to get to the dark one."

"Kiyah?" She says in a confused tone.


"Kiarah?" My dad says.

"Jewel?" Jaime says while taking off his sunglasses.

I guess we're not tripping or are we all losing it?

"Dad listen to me there is no possible way that could be mom." I plead while trying to believe what's coming out of my mouth.

He doesn't respond but his vision is focused on her. She smiles and runs deeper into the woods with Jewel right behind her. They peek out motions for them to follow.

I try to hold him back but he drags me across the field even though my heels are dug into the ground.

"Listen to me it is a trap and you're about to walk into it. I get that she was your mate." He abruptly stops.

"No I mean yes and no. We never went through the mating process fully but my wolf knows that was his mate. Frankly, she is still our mate."

"You mean to tell me that those two women could possibly be our mothers?" I ask not bothering to mask the confusion plastered across my face.

"I know you lying." Jade chips in.

"You girls don't know your mothers like we do." Jaime intercedes.

"So them popping up on the most important day of our lives doesn't seem strange to you dad?"

"It's frankly quite weird ." Grandma interjects while she runs her finger across my forehead before rubbing her fingers together.

"Hmm the magic residue is thick and it may get stronger the deeper you go. Ivorie a hand will you?" Grandma says while being in deep thought.

Ivorie sends a strong breeze and the feeling of something begin lifted off of me is felt.

"The dark mistress will feast on every one of your desires. She is a manipulator and will stop at nothing until she has the very thing she wants. She will make your aspirations within the grip of your hands while whispering in your mind. Be relentless and do not give her control. It's evident the more people who step in causes distractions." She says as she waves a hand around which causes our fathers to disappear from our sight.

"I will in fact be with you going forward. Remember this is your quest my darlings so lead it." She says while fading into the background.

"Look at grandma with the grand exit."

"That's what I thought." It feels good to share a laugh.

We trek the path that we believe is the same way our "mothers" went. We stumble upon a clearing with a wooden door in the middle of it. We enter through the door and end up on a beach? Our moms are mindlessly sitting around a bonfire while staring into the flames.

"Bringing something that looks like our mothers is sick don't you think?!"

The dark mistress appears.

"Jade. Kiyah. Nice for both of you to join us."

Kiyah raises an eyebrow but doesn't make any movement to get any closer.

"Girls don't be rude come join us. My apologies dark mistress we didn't raise them like this." My mom says while scowling at us.

We join them and sit beside our respective mothers.

"See this is what I have that I can give to each of you. Your mothers and you could become a family once more."

She couldn't possibly think I would jump at a chance to be with a woman who may or may not be a woman I barely know much less remember. I can tell the wheels in Kiyah's head are turning and impulsively I kick sand in the dark mistress.

"You ungrateful child!" She screeches.

I try to land a hit and my mother restrains me. The dark mistress cast the sand from her eyes and looms over me.

"Have I not given you the thing you desire most? Oh no silly me. You want a world without Kiyah. Very well."

With a snap of her finger Kiarah and my sister is no longer in sight.

"I thought my heart was darker than a vanta black and here you are. What's the matter? You didn't want Kiyah to know your secret? Tell you what I'll cut you a deal of the lifetime. You go back and tell everyone you defeated me. Kiyah was lost in battle and your mom has been on the run from me since your birth. You found her and the rest is history. You win the "greatest battle" of your genre and you are the sole heroine. However, I will be making the moves behind the throne your tush will be sitting on."

"That's not anything remotely close to what I want."

"Is that right? Tell me child what is you want?"

I start humming along to one of the worst jingles I can think of to keep her out of my head.

"What is that sorry excuse for a melody?! She says as she holds her head. Kiyah and her mom flickers back into view.

There's no way possible I'm going to let this wretch take away my family. Three versus two huh? We've been through worse situations. Nonetheless we both get into attack formation.

The dark mistress bares her teeth and the ground below us begins to rumble. The sand begins to bounce around.

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