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"You're coming in too strong." He says while I continue pouring out all my frustrations with my hand to hand combat.

I don't listen to him and he takes me down easily. I huff and pick myself off of the mat.

"Your anger is throwing off you game and will get you killed in combat Kiy." He says while wiping his face with the towel on his neck.

I grab my water bottle and gulp it down. I get back in my fighting stance and he swings at me almost hitting my face. I deflect it with magic causing his fist to make contact with his face.

"Kiy I'm not sure what your problem is, but you need to figure it out." He says in a grumpy tone.

I mull over his words and head out of the cave. I take a look around nature and admire its beauty.

"You're disconnected with nature and your inner powers. The least your can do is talk to me Kiy Kiy." He says while taking my hand.

I look at him in his eyes and look at my reflection in them. My eyes threatens to water and I break contact with him. I let go of his hand and look to the sky.

"Everyone is so busy with telling me what I need to do and never once has anyone asked me what I want to do. It's always this has been your fate since birth and fate has a way of happening. I'm told it's selfish if I think of it any other way." I say while drifting off into a more peaceful state of mind.

"Kiy..." he starts to say.

"You know having all this pressure building up on my shoulders doesn't feel great. If I don't get on the battlefield I won't meet my mother's killer. I owe myself as well as Jade justice and closer for what happened to our moms. She can't save the world without me. On the other hand I'm one step closer to just end it all." I say while balling my fist at my sides.

He holds me in his arms and we sit down in the grass.

"Kiy well what do you feel like doing? Let's take this one step at a time and I'll be here to support you in whatever you do." He says while wiping my tears.

"I want to train." I say barely above a whisper.

"Okay. I need you to focus and let go of the emotions holding you back. You have to center yourself and stay balance at all cost. Close your eyes and imagine a scale. When you're feeling overwhelmed a side of the scale is off balance, but when you level it it's balanced." He says as I level my breathing.

"Thank you for listening and supporting me." I say as I kiss him on his cheek.

I think I have made up my mind on the choice I'm going to do. I run into the house and touch my locket. The scroll drops into my hand and I look over it one last time. I go outside and burn the scroll in the fire pit. As the scroll burns a black smoke comes from it and flies off in the distance. I feel an arm wrap around my waist and I look up only to be greeted with a passionate kiss.

"Why?" I ask still dazed from the kiss.

"You did the right thing." He says while walking back into the cave.

I follow behind him and he's making us some food.

"We have one day left before it's time. So I figured why not make you something to eat while I still can." He says while chopping up some vegetables.

"Well aren't you sweet when you want to be." I say while biting into some raspberries.

He rolls his eyes and steals a raspberry from my bowl. He chews slowly to mock me. I shrug and continue until I'm down to the last one. I look at him and he looks at me. Then both of us goes for the last one. Of course my reflexes are faster and I place it on my lips. He comes up to me in between my thighs and bites my raspberry in half. The juice ends up splashing onto my clothes and I cover myself with my hand.

"Yeah I'm going to freshen myself up." I say as I dash out the room. I start the shower and after a few minutes the steam starts to rise. I step into the shower.

'Girl you need a cold shower love.'

'Kairi please.'

'Is she lying though?'

'Kaleah whose side are you on?'

I roll my eyes and lather my body up with soap. I start imagining scenarios in my head and my thoughts are interrupted by his scent becoming stronger in my nostrils.

"Kiy Kiy the food is ready." He says and he lingers around waiting on my response.

"Okay I'll be out in a second." I say while being snapped to reality.

'Hmm hmm girl you sprung for real.'

'Kairi you ain't lying on that one.'

'Anyways y'all be quiet.'

I dry off and change into another outfit while smiling to myself. I rub lotion onto my skin and seal it with some body oil. My cheeks begin to burn from my grin and turn on my heels to join him in the kitchen.

"You shining like a new penny love." He says and I giggle at him.

"Well maybe I did get carried away with the oil." I gush and look down at my feet.

He raises my chin up and I find his eyes.

"Join me for breakfast Kiy Kiy." He says and he takes my hand while leading me to the table.

"Certainly." I say as he pulls out my chair. I sit down and he pushes my chair up to the table. I can feel his eyes on me as I eat and I sneak glances at him during dinner.

I wouldn't mind seeing where this relationship goes after the war.

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