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Blanche grabs all the ingredients for her elixir and starts mixing it up. Once she's done I blow out the candle and we start rattling items. She pours the contents into two coffee mugs.

I nod my head and we head back into the living room.

"Here's something to calm everyone down." She says as she sets down the tray and we both reach for the cups she made for them. I let down my mind guards slightly.

'I can't let them take this cup or hers.' I think in my mind on a repetitive track. Jaime smirks at me before getting up and plucking the cups from our hands.

"We will be having these." He says in a victorious way.

'No he took our drinks. I have to get them back, but how?' I think to myself.

Zayne raises his eyebrow sets his glass down on the table and we follow suit. He places his drink on the lazy Susan and swaps his drink with hers. Jaime does the same with me until we all swap and mix until it's enough for us to lose track of the regular tea. However they have one of the regular teas and I have one of the elixir teas.

'Good I have the right tea.' I think which causes Jaime to switch with me.

"Fellas you wouldn't want those drinks now would you? Blanche has us on some crazy health diet thing that makes you go to the bathroom multiple times in a day." I lie and both of the gents pick up on it.

"We'll have this and it is final!" Zayne says while waving his alpha title about.

"Well cheers to a great battle tomorrow." Blanche says with a grim expression.

We all drink from our glasses until it's empty. To sell the act Blanche and I stumble while getting up.

"Tried to play us as fools huh." Jaime says while looking over his sunglasses. That's when we hear a growling sound emitting from both of their stomachs. They hunch over grabbing their stomachs and violently shake.

"Arnold hold them steady for me." She says as she begins mumbling under her breath.

She extends her hands and begin to move them. I don't question her but simply observe her while holding the gents down with my magic. Her focus is impenetrable as concrete being tapped by a spork. I feel her power levels rising as beads of sweat form on her forehead. As much as I want to reassure her in this moments I don't want her to lose focus and mess this up. She breathes in deeply and continues her work.

There has to be something else I can do to help her out. Sending encouraging memories might be a distraction on my part.

"Might as well stop before she hurts herself." A raspy, elderly woman voice says. I look at Jaime and his lips curl into a wicked grin. Now that is something you don't see everyday.

I can feel a pull at my spiritual tie to my body. Failure on this will doom us all and I wipe the sweat from my brow. My strength alone is not enough and I can feel it waning away. Thoughts of my granddaughters dance in my head along with my partner. I look at him briefly and he offers a reassuring smile. I feel a warm sensation throughout my body and it radiates through my palms.

A black mist starts coming out of Zayne and Jaime.

"You've think you've got it all figured out?!" It hisses at me.

"No I don't. I have the support system that will help me figure it out." I respond while thinking from a place of love.

"We are coming for you Blanche." It cackles.

"Bring it on!" I say while puffing my chest out.

"This is only a fraction of what the dark mistress can do." It says while trying to embed fear in my chest.

"I don't doubt it nor am I afraid." I reply.

"Soon you'll be joining your daughter." It says before I cast it back to where it came from.

I hit the floor on my knees and I can't seem to catch my breath. Arnold releases our granddaughter's fathers and tries to aid me to the best of his ability.

"Blanche! Focus on me." He says as my eyes barely can focus on him. In my vision there's three or is it four of him.

"Which one." I mumble barely audible.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" He asks waving them in front of my half opened eyes.

"Sixteen. Oh boy when did you grow that many?" I ask in the middle of confusion.

I feel weightless and cold.

"You're half right if you divide by 4. Blanche stay awake." He says as he lightly taps my cheeks.

"I see Kiarah. She looks so pretty in her long pink dress she wore for prom. Remember that I say as I tilt my head to the side. Oh Jewel is with her in a matching blue one." I say as I try to reach out to them.

"No don't go to them. You're delirious. What about the girls." He says.

"They're right in front of me." I say while softly smiling back at them.

"No Kiyah and Jade." He corrects.

"Hmm." Is all I can manage to say.

"I'm losing her." He says as he pick me up and takes me into the downstairs bedroom.

"Go fetch me a warm towel." Arnold says while keeping his attention on me and strokes his hand through my hair. I try to smile at him but my body only registers the feeling of tingles throughout my body. Wrinkles are deepening on his forehead. I begin to go in and out of consciousness as if I'm dozing off. I catch certain words.

" is almost gone...don't care...thanks." That's the last words I hear before I meet darkness.

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