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"Well it's all said and done now."

"Kiy...how can I fix this?"

"There's nothing to fix Jade."

"I feel like there is..."

I pause and take a bite of my s'more.

"I think that's it and we're done here. Everything between us should be good."

"Just promise me to not shut me out again."

I offer a weak smile and climb into my bed.

"You should get some rest."

Jade gets the message and softly closes my bedroom door behind her. It's safe to say sleep doesn't come to me easily. I hear a light knock on my door.

"Come in."

Grandma enters and sit on the edge of my bed.

"Can't sleep either huh?"

"No I can't."

"I'm proud of you. Your grandpa showed me what you did."

"Oh it just had to be done."

"You know Jade had trouble sleeping too and I helped her go to sleep."

My body tenses and I roll my shoulders back.

"Mhmm. I think I'll be fine."

"I've fought in a few battles myself, but I'm always here if you need me. I'm not sure what's going on between you two but remember you are all the other has."

Grandma kisses my forehead and leaves out of my room. I stare at my ceiling hoping that it'll hypnotize me to sleep. I get out of my bed and go into the backyard. Under the stars I feel at peace and it lulls me into a sweet slumber.

"Kiyah!! Kiyah!!"

I jolt awake and look around my surroundings. I wipe the sleep from my eyes and see my household running towards me.

"Am I still dreaming?"

"Kiyah the wolf house is under attack."

"No it doesn't make sense this doesn't feel right. Where'd Jade go?"

A ring of fire surrounds our property and I smack my forehead.

"I'm getting real tired of these nightmares."


My granddaughter jumps up and wildly looks around.

"It's alright honey it was just a nightmare."

"How do I know this isn't another dream?!"

"Trust me it's not. I can pinch you if you would like me to."

"No thank you. What's going on?"

"We are about to start heading towards the battlegrounds."

"How long was I sleep?"

"Only for a few hours. I let you sleep in until sunset. Are you fatigued or maybe have a headache? What symptoms are you having? Is it that time of the..."

"Grandma I am fine." She says with wide eyes.

"I just want to make sure my grand baby is well taken care of."

"I assure you I am."

Out of my peripheral vision I see Jade lingering by the back door.

"Come on Jade do not act like a stranger in your own home."

She joins us and looks to Kiyah.

"How are you feeling?"

"Well and yourself."

"I will let you girls get to it while I help your grandfather pack a few more supplies."

Arnold already has everything ready to go.

"What is it? You have that look in your eyes woman. Go on spill it."

"Jade and Kiyah...I worry about them."

"That is what a good parent or guardian would do. You have to trust yourself that you have done a phenomenal job raising them. We have done half the part and it is up to them to do the rest."

I nod my head in agreement while a thought gnaws at the corner of my mind.

"There is this weird energy surrounding them."

"Whatever it may be I am confident they will iron out the kinks."

I absentmindedly begin to pick at the loose thread on my top.

"Blanche. The girls have been apart for some time. They trained apart with their dads, together with you, and then separate again until now. They are discovering who they are and what they are meant to be. They are learning the newer version of each other. Trust them like they have been trusting us. They will figure it out."

I smile at him and grab my satchel.

"We did do a damn good job raising them. We make a pretty good team too."

"You damn skippy."

"I see so much of our daughters in them with a mixture of their fathers. I just wanted to take them and go to another planet. I would have protected them and lived out the rest of my days."

"You know the girls would not have taken that so well. No matter the precautions you would have taken the girls would have found their way to Earth for this battle."

"I know I just do not want them to suffer or experience loss."

"Life is one of our greatest teachers. We would not value the quality the good days hold if not for the bad days. Do you recall when you tried to bubble wrap the girls when they first started walking?"

"Yes because I did not want them to hurt themselves."

"Scars show how far we have come and what we survived. They also make great stories to tell."

"You have to admit the bubble wrap was a good idea and they looked like cute little marshmallows walking around."

"They did and you tried baby proofing the whole house."

"I just wanted to raise them better than I did with their mothers. I owe both of them at least that much."

"You didn't fail with Kiarah or Jewel."

"I still could have done more for them Arnold you just..."

I place my hand in my forehead trying to ward away an oncoming headache.

"Punishing yourself for past mistakes is not going to rewrite the past. All is forgiven the burden you are carrying in your heart should be lifted. You were given a second chance and excelled at the opportunity."

Arnold starts kneading the tension out of my shoulders.

"Stop punishing yourself beautiful. Alright?"

A quick smile spreads across my lips and disappears.

He presses a firm kiss on my temple and rests his hands onto my shoulders. I place one hand on top of his and gently pat it.

"You are a wise one."

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