TW: $u!©!Đe, bullying, depression, s3lf harm, and murder. skip chapter if uncomfortable.
Amane walked down the hall with a depressing aura. He tried to hide it most of the time, but there are just some people who can see through him.
For example, his teacher. Tsuchigomori frowned upon seeing one of his favorite students walk through the door with that depressing aura. The whole room changed when he did. He's been getting bullied worse since she died, making him have bruises all over.
One of the students threw a paper at him, telling him to kill himself. Maybe I should. Not like I matter to anyone.
He shakes his head and crumples the paper, throwing it back in the direction it came from. No. She wouldn't want me to.... Right? What if I'M the reason she was killed? It was me... Wasn't it? I'd be doing a favor if I did kill myself. I'm useless, an idiot with terrible grades, I have no friends what-so-ever, and a piece of--
"Settle down everyone! Class is starting." Tsuchigomori told all the students. The students obeyed, quieting down.
The whole class, as it has been since Y/n died, he thought to himself, not giving an absolute sh!t of what the teacher was saying. All he wants to do would be to go to the cherry tree and cry his eyes out, or go home and lock himself in his room, crying his eyes out.
Though at this point, he's cried so much, his eyes can't bring any tears out anymore. He's been mentally and emotionally unstable. One insult, and he's on a rampage of insulting himself. He's come up with many new ones, too.
He's thought of killing himself and getting over the pain, maybe even reunite with her, but he can't bring himself to. It's constant 'She wouldn't want me to' and 'I'm doing everyone a favor'.
His brother doesn't make it any better. They often have fights about it. Tsukasa's more happy about her dying. And let me tell you... It absolutely pisses off Amane so bad, words can't describe it.
When he says things like "I'm so glad she's dead, she's out of my way now!" And says things about how he loves the killer, Amane's reached for the knives so many times, but couldn't bring himself to. But today just might be the day.
Amane's been thinking about who would've killed her. He's taken Tsukasa's behavior about her death into hmm what would it be? Investigation? Yes. It's very questionable. So, he tracked Tsukasa's where abouts. He did see him walk up to the rooftop a little before Y/n did, he knows that. Students have all said they last saw her around 1:18 and Tsukasa around 1:15.
So he suspects Tsukasa as a murderer. Police never found out, though, because there was no evidence other than the body. And yes, he knows it's cruel to suspect your sibling for a murderer, but when you take the way he acts all the time, it's not a bad idea.
He's decided to talk to Tsukasa. And if he's right, he might end up killing him. He's a demon in Amane's eyes. He hates him, despises him, any other words that describes hate.
At least... He thought he did..
When the bell rang, the boy slowly got out of his seat, taking what was needed and leaving. Of course, on the way, he ended up getting in a few fights. He never exactly fights back, he only takes it. Unless someone insult Y/n, he'll fight back if that's so.
He isn't that weak, even if he looks like it. He can surprisingly throw a good punch.
Moving on. His plan is to kill Tsukasa, as you've heard. He's gonna lead Tsukasa to the broadcasting room at the end of the day, question him, and find out if he's the murderer. The broadcasting room isn't used too often, maybe sometimes in the mornings, but other then that, it's empty. It's the perfect place for murder.
He'll get rid of the evidence and let his brother die. He may or may not die. It depends. But to him, he'll kill Tsukasa whether he's the murderer or not. Honestly, he's done with his shit.
He doesn't care if he goes to hell. He won't stop till that boy drops dead. DEAD ya hear me?! Sorry. Moving on.
"So... Where are we going?" Tsukasa asked as he brother lead him down some stairs. "Broadcasting club. I need to ask you some things." Amane answers, giving his brother a smile.
Tsukasa hums, nodding. "Alright."
Once in the room, the boy closes the door, sitting at a table. "Go ahead, Tsu. Sit."
He listens to his brother, sitting across from him. "What is it?" He asked. Amane lost the smile, his face becoming serious. "Where were you the day Y/n died?" He asked, more like commanded.
Tsukasa raised an eyebrow. "I was with my friends? Why?" He laughed. "You think I killed her? Ha! Why would I? I mean, I know I don't like her, but isn't that going a little---" He stopped when a knife was put to his throat. "Shut up and answer truthfully or you die." Amane's expression would be terrifying... If it wasn't Tsukasa who was in front of him.
"Fine. I was on the roof."
"With who. Doing what."
"I was eating."
Amane narrowed his eyes. "Other students say you had scissors. Did you use them? What did you use them for?"
"I, indeed, had scissors. I used them for cutting a few papers I had in class but couldn't in a room, so I took them to the roof for some alone time." Tsukasa smirks. "Honestly Amane. If you want to kill me, just go ahead. I don't care." Amane's eyes widened.
"I'm done with making excuses, then. I did, in fact, kill her with scissors." He got up, walking to the door. "But as if you even have the courage to kill anyone----"
He was cut off by being thrown back, onto the floor. "You killed her?" He asks quietly, anger and sadness in his tone. "Why. WHY did you do it?!" He grit his teeth, trying to stop the tears.
Tsukasa smiles. "She was getting in the way." Amane clenched his fists. "You..." He took in a sharp breath. "No. No! NO!" He shouted swear words at Tsukasa as he stabbed him, over and over. blood gushed out of the wound, soaking through the white fabric of the uniform.
He stopped once he realized what he's done, his face changing entirely. All Tsukasa did was smile at his brothers torture and pain, then passed out.
"Shit shit shit shit..." Amane muttered. He looked at his hands with tears in his eyes. He got up quickly, running out the door. What do I do... I need to--- When he heard voices he panicked. He ran to a bathroom, not realizing it was the third floor girls restroom.
He ran into a stall, (the third stall😫😏) and stared at his hands. He ended up stabbing himself, committing suicide.
1155 words
5:29 PM 7/19/22
Starting of Hanako😫😫😫

✿☆*To the Moon and Back*☆✿ -- Hanako-Kun x Fem!Reader --
FanfictionThis is the story of how two beings fall in love. They've known each other for so long, yet one has forgotten the other. Will she be able to remember him and ''live'' happily ever after? Or will it be chaotic? Find out in ✿☆*: .。. To the Moon and Ba...