﹏♡(✿ Study Camp ✿)♡﹏

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~~Chapter 35~~


Back and forth, her hair done in beautiful braids. Weaving the Yorishiro, girl of the basket. Awaiting the moon, she weaves the pattern of six-thread. Come now, everyone... Together, we shall weave god's Yorishiro carefully, but you are not allowed to succumb to slumber. If you do...


At long last, the semester's final exams are over with! Nene cheers in her head. "Now we finally get to have our summer break!" --is what I thought.

"I know right? I can't wait." Y/n agreed.

"What are you two talking about?" Aoi asked, catching their attention. "Starting the day after tomorrow, we have study camp, remember?"

Y/n slumped down. "Study...?"

Yashiro paused. "...Camp?"


Hanako holds a 'good work on exams' sign, as Kou holds two drinks in his hands and behind him two Mokke run while holding drinks between their ears.

"Study camp?" Hanako asks as Y/n starts to cling onto him, crying about it.

"Yup! The first years of the high school div. get to go." Yashiro says, a bit too happily.

Hanako hugs Y/n, swaying back and forth as she continues to mentally cry.

"Everyone meets when the sun goes down and then we all go together as a group!"

"Oh! I'm part of the executive committee, so I'll be going as well!" Kou says.

"You too?"

They both high-five.

"Do I have to gooo?" Y/n whines.

"Yes. You can't just leave us to die!"

"Yeah, Y/n!"

"But I wanna stay with Hanakoooo!" She whines again, tightening her grip on said teen.

Both humans sigh as Hanako chuckles.

Yashiro looks the other way. "Anyways, I've decided to think about my short life span after our camp ends."

All three of them look at her in shock. "Yashiro!?"

"But, I mean... Study camp is one of the good memories you make at school! I wanna go!! I'll also be able to meet you at night, Hanako. And Y/n... If she really does leave us alone. Plus... The chances of getting asked out at camp is high... It's one of those famed love events you always get to hear about!!"

Hanako lets go of his girlfriend and shuffles around in his pocket. "Sorry, give me a second..." He tells her, then pulls out a whole fucking LADLE* from his pocket. He then starts splashing Yashiro with water.

Yashiro covers her face. "Wah! Stop--Hanako, why are you splashing me with water? Cut it out!!"

Meanwhile, Kou and Y/n watch. Since Y/n can't hug Hanako, she got a Mokke to hug instead.

Kou also held a Mokke, along with a handkerchief*.


Y/n watched the students outside go into the building.

Hanako looked up from his cards. "So. You gonna go?"

Y/n continues to stare at them. "No. I don't want to unless something happens."

✿☆*To the Moon and Back*☆✿ -- Hanako-Kun x Fem!Reader --Where stories live. Discover now