Chapter 3: The High Seas (Part 1)

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Authors note: Audio version of this chapter is available on my Patreon and through the attached external link

"What ship sails up on stormy seas," A voice sang out in a dank prison, "Yo ho the Rose Marie." Hubert or 'Huey' as his friends called him sat in the prison in Malachite Port during the modern year 1880. He had been arrested recently, on the charges of obstruction of justice. "With white sails and a ship so pink," The voice sang out again, "Yo Ho the Rose Marie."

Of which Huey was very aware he was guilty. He was surprised that Hadley's cousins had been smart enough to put it together. Though it had taken them a couple of years to do it. Getting up off the bunk he walked over looking at the cell beside him. "As much as I'm enjoying your singing voice, it's really ruining the mood." He spoke leaning against the bars. The figure laying across the bunk wearing a captain's hat slowly sat up.

The singing stopped and Huey felt the gaze of the figure land on him from under the brim of the hat. "My apologies." A female voice said, she lifted up the brim of the hat and seemed to get a better look at Huey. Hubert knew that look in an instant and grinned.

"Well..." She said adjusting her hat, Huey tilted his head interested, it was a one-eyed alpha woman. "What's a pretty little omega like you doing in a place like this?" She asked getting up and walking over. Huey admired each step the woman took, she walked with a sort of grace and confidence that Huey liked to see in people.

She walked over standing on the other side of the cell wall looking down at him. "Hmmm, murder perhaps?" She asked, "Nah, obstruction of justice." Huey replied with a grin, he leaned towards her through the cell bars. "What a coincidence!" She said leaning down, her hands over the bars just above Huey's. They were nose to nose now. "Me too." She said.

Huey grinned at her, "Well no good deed goes unpunished I suppose." Huey remarked, "That's why all the good ones die young sweetheart." The alpha woman replied, she shifted her grip and Huey saw a mark on her wrist. A pirate's mark, a bright pink p burned into her skin.

"So, you're not any good?" Huey asked in a flirtatious tone, "Depends on who you ask." She replied in much the same tone. "Who'd you help?" She asked, "My best mate Hadley and his gal Laken." Huey explained while he didn't expect much of a response. He then saw recognition in the woman's eye. "Well, I'll be, it's a small world after all." She joked, "I helped them too." She explained, Huey blinked owlishly in surprise.

"Really now?" He asked, "Yeah good-looking couple those two. Hope they're happy." She said before holding out her hand through the bars. Huey getting the idea placed his hand in it and she kissed his hand. "Captain Sloane Myers." She introduced herself. her lips barely removed from the top of his hand, "Hubert Thompson. Everyone calls me Huey." Huey introduced himself.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance." She said politely, she then let go of Huey's hand. "Though I wish it was under better circumstances." She added finding a seat on the nearby bench. Huey sat down on the other side. "Same." Huey replied, "Normally I'd ask for a tour of your quarters if it was any other circumstance." Huey said shamelessly.

Sloane laughed hearing this, "Quite forward aren't we Mr. Huey?" She asked amused, "I just like being honest." Huey said with a grin. "Honesty isn't always the best policy. It doesn't hurt to let a few white lies slip through the cracks every now and again." Sloane spoke, "Maybe but I find I get rewarded for my honesty much more often." Huey teased coyly.

Sloane stared at him before laughing, "You're quite relaxed for an omega in jail Mr. Huey!" She exclaimed, "I could say the same to you for someone with your history." Huey remarked pointing to her wrist. Sloane paused and held her wrist with a grin. "Ah... So, you've seen. Worry not, the P stands for privateer." She teased. "Sure." He replied winking at her, the alpha woman chuckled finding his flirting amusing.

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