Ch 2: The Sire (Part 5)

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Esme felt heat in her own knowing her expression was much the same. She reached for the light switch just about to turn it off when...

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Cecil had pulled her down kissing her jawline. The two of them froze, "Cecil are you in there?" Michael's voice was on the other side.  Esme dropped her hand from the light switch, she chuckled finding the frustration present on Cecil's face amusing. "We can continue later." She said softly, "I want you now." Cecil hissed through clenched teeth. Esme smiled upon hearing this, holding his face with both of her hands she whispered, "I want you too." She spoke softly, and a shuddering breath came from him in response.

"Esme." He breathed her name reaching up for her, his father was forgotten about until another set of knocks rang out. "Cecil please, let's talk." Mr. Baldwin begged from the other side of the door. Esme saw the amorous look on Cecil's face vanish and he looked furious, he turned getting ready to open the door but Esme grabbed him from behind. She rested her hand against the door.

"Esme." He murmured, "Don't get riled up Cecil." She whispered in his ear, "I want him to go away." Cecil hissed annoyed. "If he's insisting on staying..." Esme murmured kissing his cheek. "Let's leave." She purred softly. To be frank she didn't want Michael to interrupt what was going on either. Her eyes studied Cecil's face, she was just about to lean in for another kiss when the heavy door started to open. Thinking quickly, Esme grabbed Cecil pulling him into the bathroom and locking the door.

She then looked around and spotted a set of double doors leading out to the balcony, she looked over at Cecil who quietly glanced back at her. "Come on." She whispered, she pulled him behind her as they exited the bathroom out onto the balcony, it was night now. The street lamps lit up Cecil's well-off neighborhood. Esme looked down at the garden below Cecil's balcony. Spotting a trellis, Esme used that to climb down. "Be careful." Cecil hissed quietly as she climbed downwards, Esme waved her hand dismissively. "I'll be fine," She replied quietly just before jumping down the rest of the way. It was just a few feet off the ground, with a grunt she steadied herself.

Giving herself a moment to recover she then looked up at Cecil leaning over the railing of the balcony. She held her arms out and Cecil stared down at her, "You what me to jump?" He asked seeming a bit surprised, "Yeah but only when you get halfway down the trellis-." Esme explained, but Cecil only waited until he heard the 'yeah' before he jumped. "Cecil!" Esme exclaimed startled as she rushed catching him.

Stumbling a bit she fell backward with Cecil in her lap. "You caught me." Cecil said pleased, "Just barely!" Esme exclaimed exasperated, she felt some pain from scraping her knee as she caught Cecil. "Don't just jump because I said so, Cecil." Esme was exasperated, "Why not?" Cecil asked leaning over and kissing her cheek. "Because I almost didn't catch you." Esme sighed, "Geeze." She grumbled, Cecil grinned at her. Cecil got up and helped Esme up, "Are you okay?" he asked noticing the grass stains on her knees.

"I'm fine." Esme chuckled dusting her knees off. She shook her head, she looked up hearing the faint noise of Michael knocking on the bathroom door. Distantly she heard him ask if Cecil was in there. "You sure you don't want to talk to him?" Esme asked looking at Cecil, Cecil glanced up and frowned. "I'm still mad at him. I don't want to talk to him right now." He confessed, Esme felt her pants pocket and sighed, she had her wallet with her.

That was good.

"Alright, let's go then?" Esme said taking Cecil's hand, "Okay." Cecil replied grinning, Esme pulled him out of the gardens and onto the street. Esme jumped down from the elevated curve that the Baldwin estate sat on. "Not even going to ask where to?" She teased, holding her hands up, "If it's with you, I'm fine with wherever." Cecil replied allowing her to grab him by the waist and set him down.

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