Chapter 3: The High Seas (Part 5)

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Hubert and Sloane's song was heard throughout the city that night in Gritstone. Though they had taken the longer way around, eventually, they did make it back to the Rose Marie. The pink ship was still docked in the same spot that Hubert remembered, softly glowing in the rising sunlight that was slowly peaking over the horizon line. Pink as the sky painted behind it, Hubert, though sad that the night was coming to an end smiled at the sight.

Sometime during their walk back Hubert had slipped off of Sloane's back, relieving the alpha of his weight. Though somehow, their fingers became interlaced in a tight grip during the walk. Hubert, despite how much he thought about it, couldn't figure out who grabbed whose hand first. Hand in hand the two of them slowly walked up the loading board onto the ship, the thick well worn wood only creaking ever so slightly under their weight.

Hands still clasped around one another's, Hubert felt every callous and scar that littered Sloane's hand. But despite that, there was a certain softness there and a gentle warmth that... For once, Hubert felt like he wouldn't grow tired of holding hands with her anytime soon. A gentle breeze rolled in from the sea as Sloane and Hubert stood there on the deck of the Rose Marie. The sound of seagulls were heard as they flew over head, headed for the sea looking for their next meal. Glancing upward to watch the flying birds, Hubert adjusted Sloane's hat on his head, fearing that even this gentle breeze may knock it off of him.

Sloane stood there quietly for a moment staring at the sun that steadily rose in front of them. Bright rays of white and yellow shot out over the horizon onto the city walls behind them painting the world in light after what felt like such a long night. Then slowly, a bright red ball edged its way upward into the sky as if waking up with the rest of the world after a long slumber.

Curious, Hubert looked from the sun rise over to Sloane seeing her eye fixated on the sight. He didn't need to hear Sloane say anything, it was clear what she thought seeing such a sight. The look of wonder and awe in her eye... Hubert couldn't help but wonder if the sun rise was just as amazing to her as she was to him? Hubert chuckled softly to himself before looking back at the scene before them. Feeling a stare on him he looked over seeing that now Sloane was watching him.

"Your hair is just about as red as the sun is Mr. Hubert." Sloane teased, "You shouldn't stare directly at it Captain," Hubert scolded with a playful sneer, "You'll ruin your one good eye." He teased. "Oh I'm sure if I become blind as a bat, you'd be more than happy to lead me around wouldn't you Mr. Hubert?" Sloane laughed off his teasing remark in response. "Hmmm." Hubert eyed her, "I might, I'll need to get you a collar and a leash so you don't go wondering off." He retorted with a flirtatious grin.

Sloane's smile faded and she eyed him with a serious expression, "I'm not the one we should be worried about for that." She said softly, Hubert felt his heart drop hearing this, he couldn't hide his expression quick enough in front of Sloane. "That... That was a mistake." Hubert stuttered out, a cold chill rolled through him and he realized then, while Sloane had focused on comforting him earlier. No alpha would be happy to see any omega they're interested in sleeping with other people. Hubert adverted his gaze waiting for a lecture or anything but, Sloane gently grabbed his face having him face her.

"It's not like you're thinking Mr. Hubert." She said softly, "I told you, your body is to do with as you wish." She whispered softly. "Just because  I harbor affections for you does not mean you're bound to me in any way." She told him,  "My feelings are my own Mr. Hubert." She reassured him, "I'm nothing if not a lady. I'll keep my hands to myself if I think someone doesn't want me touching them." She added with a smile, "Though it's clear I would have done a better job than whatever that lout did." She added lowly, Hubert stared at her and let out a shaking breath. "I'm trying really hard not to cry again." Hubert couldn't help but laugh feeling his eyes sting and burn.

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