Ch 1: That Old Dusty Trail (Part 5)

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Content Warning: Gun shots, blood, fight scenes, abuse, misogyny, predatory behavior

"REAGAN!" He didn't know if she heard him, he couldn't see the station any longer. He screamed once more before being pulled back inside. Silas was gagged and thrown down on the floor in front of a man sitting in a chair in the dining cart.

"Silas West." The man chuckled; his accent was a thick southern accent. "You've caused a lot of trouble for me and mine." He chuckled tilting his chin forcing Silas to look at the older man. His face was partly burnt. "Do you see the results of your little gift?" He spat, Silas narrowed his eyes.

"Who would've thought that a well-placed Molotov cocktail would be thrown at the exact moment I was inside of a textile factory with some investors?" The man mused out loud, "But of course that had to be an accident, right?" He asked in a mocking tone as he leaned his face on one of his hands. He crossed his legs in the chair he sat in. "And to think, I was being so generous as to offer the opportunity to forward your cause?" He looked around at his men who laughed, "All for the price of your hand in marriage." He sneered at Silas. His expression became increasingly sour as each second passed, "But instead," he ground his teeth, "You come out here and get married to some changeling!" He slammed his fist on the arm of his chair before standing up and striking Silas with a back hand to the face.

Silas sat there for a moment before slowly turning his head back to the man, despite the pain in his face he glared. The man looked unsatisfied with this reaction, "Ungag him already!" He barked, "But sir," One of his men spoke up, "He was calling for that woman." He warned, the man turned to the goon that spoke up and laughed. "That thing ain't no woman boy!" He exclaimed, "It ain't even human!" He shouted.

Silas was ungagged and the first thing Silas did was spit in the man's face. "Councilman William Kate." Silas hissed, the man unphased wiped his face. "We'll take care of that attitude of yours later Mr. West, or should I say Mr. Kate." William replied with a chuckle.

Silas sneered, "Actually it's Blake these days." Silas replied, the man stared at him, "What?" He asked, "I didn't sign it." Silas spoke taking a breath, he didn't know if Reagan heard him. He had to hope that she did, pray that she did. "I'm still married to my wife and when she gets here..." Silas threatened, "Not even the devil will be able to help you, Councilman."

William stared looking surprised before laughing, "Some chops you've got there Silas! But no matter! Can't be married to someone dead, can you?" William cackled just as a gunshot pierced a window. Killing one of the men, blood sprayed on the opposite wall and the man dropped to the floor, "What in the devil was that?!" William stood up just as a figure came bursting through a window on the other side of the cart through the window that the bullet had gone through knocking over some other men of William's.

Silas turned around grinning, "That's my wife!" He exclaimed proudly, he looked over at William who looked shocked, "Kill her!" He ordered his men; they pulled out their guns, but Reagan quickly shot them proving to be a quicker draw than them. The men collapsed to the floor with a thud, and instant and scarily precise kill. "Reagan!" Silas stood up to his feet, he started to run over but William grabbed the back of his head by his hair pulling him back. "Stay right there!" William barked, just as Reagan had started to approach, Silas felt something cold press against the side of his head. "I'll blow his brains out!" William threatened.

Reagan stared at Silas before looking at William. "Drop the gun." William hissed Reagan dropped her gun, "Kick it over." William snapped, Reagan did just that. "Hands up!" He barked; Reagan held her hands up. "That's right, nice and high." Silas took shaky breaths; William then pointed the gun at Reagan.

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